Skin feels weird, like a plucked chicken

as our chicago weather is starting to cool off, i am wearing a bit more clothes that i have during summer. I guess since my molting in the spring had progressed to full blown AU, i realize that my skin has gotten soooo terribly sensitive as fabric rubs against it. has anybody else felt this strange sensation? It is almost like my body down layed a cushion between my skin and my clothes and now it is all gone!!!!!!!! EGADSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like a plucked chicken!

Views: 288

Comment by kastababy on September 27, 2009 at 1:40pm
Hi Brenda!

It's interesting how time changes perspective -- because I've never really had any body hair (despite being AT and AA since I was 4 years old), I never noticed the sensation of how my clothes felt with no hair on my skin. I guess the closest comparison I can come to is how my legs feel when I shave them (which I only have to do about once every 3 months or so just to keep the patches of hair away.) I actually LIKE how smooth my legs feel after shaving them. My hardest adjustment has been living with no eyebrows -- my eyelashes, for some strange reason, are the only hair remaining on my body, and they are being stubborn and sticking around (for which I am eternally grateful, because I LOVE wearing mascara!!)

I guess all I'm trying to say is that the sensation is something that you DO eventually get used to -- and for people who are more sensual (meaning their senses of EVERYTHING are much more acute) than others, that point of comfort with it can take longer to get to. I would recommend dressing in as many luxurious fabrics (silk, cashmere, fleece, satin, etc.) as you can afford -- just reveling in how soft and warm those fabrics can keep you will take your mind off the sensation, plus you can just marvel in how wonderful your clothes actually feel!

I hope that helps you -- your new friend, YoKasta
Comment by brenda kay on September 27, 2009 at 9:56pm
yokasta, thank you for that new perspective on this whole thing. i have noticed the different feeling of sleeping on a clean crisp set of linens, i tend to launder them more often now!!!!!! haha just things brushing against my ams give me the willies!!!! i am glad u have some lashes and brows...i really miss them. have a gread day!!! bk


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