I have trichotillomania, and god I wish I could just pretend that I didnt.
It hurts so badly to finally admit that rather then this being done to you, its you doing it to yourself. and that there is nothing worse then losing friends over this.

I'm married, I love my husband and my one year old daughter. but its not enough, I want friends. but I'm alone.
I have to wear wigs, and I finally put myself in debt and decided to go to a hair restoration clinic to try and help me. but as I said before, now I'm in debt.

I've tried to make friends, and eventually they all ask the same thing. "Why do you wear wigs?" Or "Why are you always wearing a hat?" And I've decided that it's not healthy for me to lie anymore, blaming this on "alopecia" rather then "trichotillomania" was just a way for me to pretend I don't have a problem.

And so I tell them. "I have Trichotillomania, It's an uncontrollable urge to pull your hair out, it usually happens to be in my sleep. and it leaves me with big bald spots that over time become impossible to cover up without the use of a hat or wig."

Then they do "the face" that face that people do when they don't really believe you at first, and then they do and they look like you just told them that you like to eat insects for protein.

Usually its followed by an "oh..." then a quick wrap up of everything you'd been talking about and an adios. They never call or text you again. I had one person that called me crazy. "You are crazy! Are you getting psychological help? like taking lithium or anything?"

You have no idea how much that stung.
But I know its how people feel, they think I'm crazy. insane. impossible to help. god it burns.
I'm not crazy.. please don't think I'm crazy...
I feel like that kid in the corner that just wants friends.
I know I'm weird, that I'm different.. but I'm nice, and like things, and shop and enjoy life just like any of you.. can't that be enough?

Even some friends I made that had alopecia called me crazy, asked me why I was grouping myself with them. I thought we all had virtually the same problem, and that I could find friends through them, and their group.

But no, so far I've just been heart broken.

Views: 245

Comment by Cindie on October 13, 2011 at 12:08pm
You're beautiful, Kayla, and I hope that you can find a support group of young men and young ladies that have the same condition as you. You are NOT CRAZY.....you have an ILLNESS that is no different than alopecia, diabetes, or cancer. You don't need people to tear you down; you need people that will help support and uplift you.

Young people can be very, very cruel. You may not have the many "friends" you seek as a student, but remember, dear, what you really need is just one or two good, and real friends.

Peace and Blessings to you.
Comment by Ilia Reed on October 13, 2011 at 2:46pm
Hi Kayla, just to say it was a great encouragement for me to meet you here January 2010 and to see your pic with your shaved head. A few weeks later I went bald. So: just thanks for being who you are - and all my support!
Comment by mabaker on October 14, 2011 at 7:02am
Hi sending you a friend request - your'e not crazy - it's sometimes challenging for others when we tell the truth - doesn't mean we have to stop trying - but you don't owe anyone an explanation and have every right to do/be the way you are comfortable - best wishes


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