Most of you know that I am from Canada and rj is American. So when we married we started a whirlwind of immigration processes. I had to file yet another form and get another set of biometric done. One of the steps was another photo session at the immigration office.
I filled out the form and clicked “bald” as my hair color. For a second I wondered if I should have clicked black, since it was an official government form and being AA my black hair does show if I don't shave daily. I thought again and came to the conclusion, most of the time I keep my head shaved and I consider my hairstyle as bald.
I went in to get my photo taken and the woman who was doing the procedure asked why I chose to wear my hair like I do. I explained to her that I have alopecia areata and chose to go with it. She said that it suited me and went on to say that she has a few spots and lately her spots have been getting worse. She was just thinking that morning that she did not think that she could handle wearing a wig if it continued to fall and was not sure how she was going to handle it, and then I walked in.
I know we always think we are alone, but walking this world as a bald woman, I am constantly reminded of just how many of us are out there. I also find that I seldom have to explain what alopecia is, most people have at least heard of the term. In fact, that same day a lady at a thrift store, said that she liked my cut and thought about doing it herself this summer. I smiled and said, “There is always next summer”. She laughed in agreement and went on to say that it must make it easier to wear wigs. I explained that I had alopecia and wore wigs for ten years and actually this was my personal preference.
I don’t think it has to be an awkward conversation. Determine in your mind why you have made your decision and the rest will follow. Whether you chose to go bald, wear a wig or a head covering -- how you chose to live with your alopecia is not an excuse that needs to be made; it’s a deliberate decision to exercise your freedom.
thank you for sharing :) i have a similar story. i do not wear a wig and also had confusion how to identify on my drivers license. its funny, i dont have it in front of me right now, but i cant remember what i put. either way, my picture is fully bald, so whatever i put, i still get second glances when im being id'ed. (which happens less and less these days :( )
anyway, one day i was in a spa waiting room. i was there for a massage. in the reception area there was a women quietly getting her stuff together to leave. something told me to speak to her. normally i am very sensitive in spa environments, and dont want to talk or disrupt anyones serenity. but something just told me to engage with this woman.
this day was on the eve of facilitating my very first alopecia support group. i was nervous, and had never run a group before.
well, what stood out ot me about this woman was her "look". she had amazing horn rimmed vintage glasses and really cool style. her hair was cut into a bob. the words that came out of my mouth were " i like your hair". she looked at me and instantly began to cry and said that it meant so much to her that i said that because her hair was falling out, and she then turned and showed me the alopecia areata patch where she was completely bald.
why was i complelled to talk to this woman? i dont know. but it was a perfect opportunity to invite her to my support group. she came, and is now an active member of the group and one of my dearest clients.
you just never know.
Hi Emily...I am curious how you went about starting an alopecia support group. I would love to start one in my area.
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