As I've had alopecia for ever I feel really strange to find I'm crying over a loss right now.
I'm unsure the trigger but just been thinking how sad I'd feel to loose the random patches of regrowth although there is no guarantee it will even stay. But what has caused it to come? What was the trigger to cause it to grow? Why can't I work out what I've done differently to keep it growing? Why am I even bothered? And why right now do I feel so sad over it.... not a good alopecia day :(

Views: 96

Comment by Tallgirl on July 19, 2014 at 11:26am

Summer sun may have caused more growth. As for me, my later-in-life losses came big when I was in a new location, with new water sources, animals, soil: irrigation ditch, orchards, horses and countryside, dogs, visits to relatives who didn't dust much. Possibly dust mites or pet dander?

Comment by Lyndsey Pitchford on July 19, 2014 at 6:01pm

Sometimes there just isn't a reason, that, unfortunately, is the nature of alopecia. I've had full regrowth 3 times and I cannot pin point exactly what makes my hair stay or go. It's not something you've done or not done that keeps it growing. Auto-immune conditions tend to have a mind of their own. So please don't blame yourself. It does make it really tough, I understand that, and I'm sending thoughts your way x

Comment by KFlame on July 23, 2014 at 5:32pm
It's just so frustrating and I don't know why feel this way... I've had no hair at all for 11 years which I grew to accept.
But then suddenly random patches of hair appears. It is almost like alopecia in reverse. You start with patches of hair lods causing anxiety then go to patches of hair causing it.
I just found myself examining my head and noticed only one side growing then thought well I could have that half hair shaved look girls go for.
Then realised what was doing told myself to stop being ridiculous that it'll never grow back that much and got sad all over again.
You are right Rose I do need to find something to take my mind off this to distract my attention and my continued scrutinising of my head :)
Comment by KFlame on July 23, 2014 at 5:35pm
*patches of hair falling out causing anxiety then patches of hair growth causing it...(typo)


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