Hello everyone,
I have had alopecia universalis for only six months.. I shaved my head five months ago. I have no hair anywhere on my body... Doctors around here are somewhat clueless.. they have never seen anything like this. They say it is caused by stress. Is this what the rest of you are told too? Yes, I have stress in my life, but who doesn't??? I don't feel that my stress is that high to cause such a dramatic outcome. From what I understand, there is really no cause or cure for this. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I just found this web site two weeks ago and it is so wonderful to read your stories and not feel alone.
I am 51 years old, is it unusual to loose it at this age? ( could it have to do with menapause too?)it seems most of you are younger. I feel for all of you, at any age. Like most of you, I had beautiful hair and thick eyebrows and eyelashes, I think I miss those as much as my hair on my head. Yes, I wear wigs and draw on eyebrows and try to be positive everyday. I DO know it could be much worse.
I am a very outgoing, funny person and I CAN"T let having no hair change that. But as you all know, some days it is a challege...
I live in New Hampshire, does anyone live in this area? I would love to hear form you.Linda

Views: 15

Comment by Kris Fenchel on August 13, 2009 at 10:08am
Hi Linda, I am from New Hampshire, we live in Manchester. I started loosing my hair when I was 22 years old, I am 41 now. When I found the first patch I was told that it was stress however, since Alopecia is a genetic disorder I think stress can be the trigger. Something else that can be related to hair lose is a thyroid condition, I was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid a few years after my hair started to fall out. It is interesting just how little many doctors know about Alopecia. I lost interest in seeking any type of medical help for my hair lose many years ago. I just decided that since it is not life threatening I would just deal with it. I prefer to wear scarves and hats. I tried wigs but felt really uncomfortable in them. I can't tell how many times people assume that I have cancer. They are always so surprised when I say "no" and then they don't quite know how to react when I explain Alopecia to them. Dealing with being a bald woman is an on going battle, I still struggle with my reflection in the mirror. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter that keep be grounded. This web site is great, I wish I would have had this when I first began to lose my hair. Good Luck Linda.
Comment by Pamela Rosse on August 14, 2009 at 12:24am
Hi Linda, nice to meet you, my goodness we are two peas in a pod as they say, I too have AA Universalis, I just turned 55 & am at the 8 month mark since losing my hair. My doctors are also perplexed, don't you just love the stress cause. I agree, who does not have stress, I know I did not have it to the point of losing my hair. I have had every blood test known to man done & am pending a scalp biopsy. I don't think this has anything to do with good ol menapause.
I have had my eyebrows tattooed on,I live in southern Ca, it can get into the triple digits here, make-up can be a real hurtle sometimes. I know many fellow sister alpacians draw their eye brows on. I too wear wigs & allot of scarves in the summer. What is so wonderful here is you will meet people from all over, it's terrific, I would be so lost if not for A.W. So welcome Linda, know you are not alone.

Comment by JeffreySF on August 14, 2009 at 12:26am
Hi Linda,

I have had Alopecia for just over 2 years now.
All 3 Doctors I saw said it was caused by stress and a genetic component which is not clearly understood.
I'm glad you found Alopecia World and know that you have a huge group of friends to support you through this.

Comment by Galena on August 15, 2009 at 6:11pm
Welcome Linda--you are among family. We all share a common life experience. This place has been a real blessing, the encouragement here keeps me strong. I've had some real low times. My first patch presented at 43 (I had several patches appear and regrow at age 23) and I tried to save my hair until I finally shaved it off last September. Our stories are similar. I have a very stressful job though at the time the alopecia began, the level of work and personal stress was strong. I see my baldness as the result of a "perfect storm" of internal and external forces.
So this who I am now. My beautiful hair is gone and I embrace a new identity. I'm glad you found us Linda, keep coming so that you can benefit from good information and support.
Comment by Marie on January 7, 2010 at 4:40pm
The stress thing is interesting because my AA started shortly after he died, later it was compounded by androgenic causes. Talk about a stressful situation: figuring out my finances, raising my children alone, having no companion or best friend...I think it's possible that this can be triggered by stress. It seems to ad up in my case. I am not nearly as stressed now, but I think once the game is on, it's on for good.
Comment by Ron Brown on March 9, 2010 at 8:24pm
Hi Linda,

Thank you for being my friend.
My first encounter with AA was at age 49 when it grew to a full AU. I got all my hair back in a couple of years so there is a very good possibility you will too. Even without proof, I still believe that stress is a 'trigger' and there are a lot more 'Closet Alopecians' with full heads of hair just a stressful event away from hair loss.
I hope you find answers and encouragement on this site and I hope you don't lose hope.



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