Last night I had a new neighbor over for dinner. We are both single and I thought it would be nice to get together. I have had AU for two years now, but I ALWAYS wear a wig. Dinner went well, and when he left, he gave me a hug and my wig caught on his sleeve and fell off.....I picked it up off the ground and put it back on, and made some joke about how I can go from bald to beautiful in 2 seconds flat...and quickly explained I had no hair due to AU.... I am still so embarassed....(I know it could be worse, at least it happened at my house in not in a public place.) Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Views: 33

Comment by Amber on April 1, 2011 at 2:11pm
Back when I wore a wig, it got pulled off during a basketball game. I was horrified. That was quiet a while a ago. It was one of those vacuum seal like wigs but when it gets sweaty, it gets slippery. After that my mom bought me a funky strap thing made to help hold it on but it was really uncomfortable and defeated the purpose of wearing a wig lol.
Comment by Heather L on April 1, 2011 at 2:19pm

Ouch! so sorry that happened. I can put myself in your shoes and understand how you must have felt! you handled it well! Humor probably always works best - tell him it was an April fool's joke?! :)
Comment by Linda on April 1, 2011 at 4:07pm
I gave him such a quick explanation, I just said "two years ago, all my hair fell out and I am fine,just bald" I told him to go home and google alopecia if he wanted to know more...I could feel my face turning red and just wanted that moment to end.....then He left. He sent me an email to thank me for dinner and didn't mention the "wig flip"....
Comment by R0BB on April 1, 2011 at 5:21pm
Hi Linda - Ive been in your situation before ( for me it was a hat ) and I find that in times like those its better for US to control the situation with a low key quick explanation and leave it at that . If the other person can't see the beautiful you in both the bald and wiggy style , then its their loss. With that awesome smile you have .... if I were him Id be asking whats for dinner tomorrow night !! - Rob
Comment by SutraHuh on April 3, 2011 at 9:03pm
Hello Linda,
I have had alopecia for half my life and my wig fell off for the first time during a soccer game last year. One of my opponents was being aggressive and my wig some how came off, even though i wear double sided tape to keep it on. The entire crowd gasped, everyone was staring, and the refs even paused the game. I was so mortified, i threw my wig off the field and continued to play dispite the odd looks i got. After the game i cried so hard, but my teammates and my coach were there for me, they comforted me and some of them cried with me. Though i would NEVER ever go back to that moment i can't say i regret it, i learned so much from the experience. I smile now, because i am proud that i didn't stop playing. I think you handled the situation very well! Though you may be embarrassed now, you can look back on it in the future and be proud that you didn't have a fit in front of the neighbor! Now you know how to handle it in case it happens again (hoping it won't of course).
Comment by Happy Daddy on April 3, 2011 at 9:32pm
I've only shared this with my Wife but...
At about 14 years old I was at a school assembly where we had this rock band come to our school to perform. The lead singer decides to come up in the stands with his mic singing and high fiving us kids. For some reason he gets to me, puts his hand on my head and pulled the wig off in front of the entire school. I heard the singer say 'ahh shit' under his breath and hundreds of eyes stare at me. Some in disbelief and some in amusement. Needless to say, kids at that age can be pretty mean.
Comment by Karen Smith on April 4, 2011 at 8:59am
My daughter attaches lace wigs with super tape. She can do anything in them and they don't come off. She was a cheerleader last year and would do back handsprings accross the gym floor. Her skin would tear before the wig would come off if you pulled hard on it. Find a different way to attach your wig but humor is always the answer in that type of situation.
Comment by Christine on April 4, 2011 at 5:12pm
When I was 13 in gym class a girl was running around and as she got to me (I was sitting on the floor, it was a relay race and I was waiting on a tag from my team mate), she put her hand on my head and pulled my wig off. I was so embarrassed I ran to the locker room and cried for what felt like forever. Since then, I live daily with the fear it will happen again. (and that was over 30 years ago).
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on April 4, 2011 at 10:41pm
These stories make me so glad that I have a bonded on hair system, you would have to literally scalp me in order to pull my wig off. I was out yesterday (at a bar) and some, probably drunk, woman started tugging on my hair, maybe to see if my long blonde hair was real. It fits me like a glove and this baby isn't going anywhere!
Comment by Mary on April 5, 2011 at 1:13am
This is one reason I stopped trying to wear wigs after about 9 months of trying. Besides the physical discomfort (I have a very warm head), I found the psychological strain of worrying about the wig coming off to be terrible. Now I don't have to worry at all. I know it isn't for everyone, but it's SO much easier. This is who I am now. Tonight I performed (on drum) at an event attended by about 50 women. I didn't know most of them. I got warm at one point and took off my scarf. I handed out a few of my home-printed cards about alopecia, but mostly it just wasn't a big deal.


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