Spring has brought some seeds back into my head too I guess, suddenly some blonde feathery hairs have sprouted out of my head!
Not everywhere on my head, not on the sides but it's better than nothing, right?
But not only are they making a comeback on top of my head, my sideburns might be coming back too! Now I can maybe finally grow my beard and walk around with a beard and (maybe) bald head, that's cool ;D hehe

And it doesn't stop there, no no.. I feel some stubbles on my legs too! A lot of women may be jealous of my (partially) smooth legs, but I'm happier with a more masculine pair of nasty hairy legs.. hehe just kidding, they're not that nasty.

And it goes on! Can you believe it?! Well, I can actually. This time I'm referring to my right eyebrow, it was leaving me, but he still stands by my side in this (supposed to be) sunny time of year!

Oh and even though the feathers on my head might be growing back, I keep shaving it until everything is back. It's all or nothing folks.

Would be pretty cool if it all goes on and I'd have all of my hair back in the summer. But then again, it would suck if everything would be falling out again in the fall. I'm not able to write a serious thing very serious at the moment, but I don't really care, all of my blogs are so serious. I'm not always such a serious person, most of my friends don't see serious and me in a range of a 100 miles close to each other. No that's not true, but still.

Ah well, I'd better be closing this one off.

Sorry for those who don't fell much better when they read this, but I just wanted to share my hapiness =)

Au revoir!
Or 'houdoe' as we say over here. (Howdoeh that is)

Views: 17


Comment by Nicole on May 8, 2010 at 5:11am
I had to laugh when you said your side burns are re growing. Although I am a girl, i was pretty upset when my little bit of sideburns fell out. Now one side is starting to re grow again :) Hopefully you get a whole head of hair.
Comment by Mayte on May 8, 2010 at 9:29pm
it's awesome to read happy stories... congrats!!!
Comment by Lionel on May 9, 2010 at 7:30am
Thanks! And Aimee, I've been (and mostly still are) hairless for about 6 months. Hope that it will all grow back soon :)
Comment by lynne on May 9, 2010 at 2:10pm
great news, gd luck i hope it all comes bak for u, :) x
Comment by Joshua on May 12, 2010 at 9:30am
How could I not be happy to read about good news? It is certainly very uplifting...as it continue to shed hope for all of us. Keep us posted. Thank you for sharing your good news. Dont ever stop telling us good news..!

God bless
Comment by brenda kay on May 12, 2010 at 7:01pm
any hair just makes you feel positive and that it has the ability to regrow. i am happy to see a few eyelashes and ONE, yes ONE 1/2 inch hair on the side of my bald head!!!!!!!!! few hairs on my knuckles.....i DO hope that yours continues to sprout profusely!!!!!!!!!!!! bk


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