Shaved it off! - Missing...between 100-200 thousand hairs. If found please return to this rightful owner

Well I did it. The hair is gone. My spots were getting to the "I look sick "stage and the hubby helped me make the call. He shaved my head with my little girl present. Her response "You look like Uncle Paul" my handsome brother in law who sports his head -shaved look. My husband's response "You have a good head" How do I feel...Relieved a bit, stunned alot, sad a bit, but not as painful as I thought. In a very abstract weird way, I think I look least not sickly which is what I saw in the mirror. AA sucks but I will not let it wreck my life. I will adjust and kick it's butt...may take awhile...but let the comeback begin.

Views: 45

Comment by Jeff W on May 20, 2009 at 10:50pm
While I'm sorry to see you have to get to this stage, I'm very glad to see you taking control of your alopecia. I'm sure you do look cute no matter what and if you feel like it you've got a wonderful wig as well. Keep smiling and keep up the great attitude!
Comment by Melissa Harris on May 20, 2009 at 11:08pm
My heart goes out to you Jenn, hang in there girl. You are stronger than you think and it is true, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger in the end. Besides your husband and daughter loves you the way you are and that's what matters. I'm not at the stage that you are at yet, but dreading that day will come soon. The agony is in the waiting, so in a way you are FREE of that thought process now. It must feel good! I see people now and see how everyone takes things for granted. Love yourself and your family and be well. There is nothing wrong with us, generally we are very healthy people. This disease is crazy. I don't know if I will ever accept it all together but I can learn to live and move on with my life because if not, I will miss a lot of great things and people that are around me. I hope that you do the same and know that you not the only one. Take care and write me anytime. Melissa
Comment by Michael Powers on May 21, 2009 at 12:52am
Its good to have some measure of control when the spots grow that large. Did you AA just begin or has it shown seasonal advances? I can't imagine how much harder it is as a woman with AA than it is these days for most men. Back in the 70s/80s it was bad for men as well because of the longer hair styles, today its easier to go as you are and everyone just thinks you shaved it. I travel quite a bit and there are definitely countries where its not so common and the looks are interesting. Glad you have some support and hope the AA switches back off soon.
Comment by JeffreySF on May 21, 2009 at 2:08am
Hi Jenn,

I remember that fateful day I shaved my head. It took guts but I had to put myself in control of my alopecia.
Big Hugz,

Comment by Paula on May 21, 2009 at 8:04am
awesome! way to take control and be brave! i admire you!
Comment by Jennifer Krahn on May 21, 2009 at 9:40am
Thank you all for the comments. It is weird to get to this point. My AA only started in January and here I am, 4 months later without hair...bizarre. You know, I'm finding that I am way braver and confident than I thought I ever would be. We totally aren't our hair...although I did have some great mane! I would not be where I am today without the support of you all and this site. It is so encouraging to see everyone's battles and successes. Thanks again for all the encouragement.
Comment by Dawn bruch on May 22, 2009 at 12:04pm
As you know I am a big fan of the "Uncle Paul" look! I think you look great! I am excited to see your new look in person!
Comment by Carol Yuen on May 22, 2009 at 12:19pm
I admire your courage. I really want to shave my head off. I was so determined to do it yesterday night, but when I woke up today, I feel like I still want to see my own hair on my head. I chickened out, I think I am not ready to see myself completely bald. Anyways, I love your eyes, and you look GREAT bald. You are a very attractive woman.
Comment by brenda kay on May 22, 2009 at 9:49pm
for years i have been a slave to my furry mane. dont get it wet or it will fuzz up! tie it up at night or it will tangle!.....i have been liberated. i rinse my sweaty head of any time of the day without worrying about the fixing hair. i sleep without getting tangled in my gnarly hair! dont get me wrong, i miss it immensely but i will try to see the positive side of being a girl chrome dome! bk


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