Shedding like crazy! Is there anything that I can do?

Hey Ya'll!! I'm just wondering, is there anything know to you that would help stop or slow down the shedding?!! I can't stand it anymore! I think you AT and AU people are almost better off because you don't have to deal with it!! I cant stand it and it's driving me crazy!! Is the only thing that I can do is shave my head?! I'm just not there yet!! My doctor told me that after I got the steroid shots, it should slow down, but it has not!! I'm so worn out by this, and knowing that I will have to deal with it the rest of my life is BS!!!!!! I hate this!!!!! Sorry, I had to vent!! Thanks for any advise or feedback!


Views: 33

Comment by Andrea on November 4, 2009 at 9:56am
I'm shedding like crazy and in my case it's seeing it everywhere (and I mean everywhere) that drives me nuts. It's in the bathroom, on my pillow, inside my hat...the worst is in my food. My mother had a dream that my hair was in HER food. I am emotionally ready to be smooth. I had truly great dressers marveled over it and they actually had to thin it out!

Yesterday my aunt gave me three wigs she had on hand (never worn) and I ordered 2 more. Very inexpensive. I didn't even go for my natural color on one of them...I decided to go red. I decided that if I am going to have to wear wigs I might as well have fun with it!
Comment by Melissa Harris on November 4, 2009 at 12:15pm
That is a great attitude Andrea! Thanks for the comment! I know exactly how you feel! I can't stand the shedding! We just got to embrace our situation and move on with life because life doesn't end when we loose our hair. I know that, sometimes it is just hard and we need to vent our frustrations. Keep the faith and stay positive. Post your new look, I would love to see them! I still have hair now and still getting treatments, so I'm just not there yet. Maybe someday I will decide that I will shave too, but for now, I'm learning how to cope with it the best I can while going through it!! I appreciate everyone here and it's helped me to make sense of it all! Stay in touch! Melissa
Comment by Stephanie on November 4, 2009 at 8:36pm
I have been dragging handfuls out of my drain every time I shampoo for four months, Melissa, so I totally relate. I even put my blow dryer at one end of the bathroom to "collect" the hair at the other just to keep the floor clean. Shaving your head is a personal and practical decision. I know that I will eventually do it as my spots have started to grow in all at different times so even in the event all my hair grows back it would be different lengths and odd looking. I've basically said "So long" to the hair on my head which does not look anything like me anymore and am waiting for a full wig to shave what's left off. Just do whatever makes you feel better. Even all of us who are sharing this experience respond differently to it which is okay. The one thing to remember is that you are still YOU, with or without hair.
Comment by Melissa Harris on November 5, 2009 at 6:30pm
Thanks Stephanie, you are so right! I do the same thing with my hair in the bathroom! Hair all over the floors, carpet, sinks, it drives my nuts. I'm to the point now that I'm kinda numb to it if that makes sense at all. I can't spend that rest of my life crying over hair on the floor! This is just wearing me out! I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'm getting more treatment on Monday, why I'm not sure, and then see how it goes day by day. You are right about me being the same person though. It did slow me down a bit but I still love and do the same things and those things will never change! It can't take who I am as a person! Wish you well on your journey with this too! Thanks for all the support and feedback!!
Comment by Mary on November 5, 2009 at 8:15pm
I was spending every day picking up hair, and every night before bed crying as I picked up more from in front of the bathroom sink. There are pics on my page of the night before I shaved, and the day of the shave. The relief was immediate! No more crying and letting it control me.

Good luck!


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