Like earlier when I posted a blog about my husband not being motivated to take control of his life and being skeptical that he's going to succeed and I 'LOLed' it off. Well I just published his second video on youtube (I never watch them first and he does one take no edit) It's worse that I thought, the man is practically giving up. How do I motivate that? How do I stay motivated myself at the same time?

Views: 3

Comment by Dominique on January 3, 2009 at 9:51pm
Motivation is a temporary state - and something that comes in waves. I think the best way to maintain the momentum that motivation kicks off - is to make changes (while motivated) to your environment that will allow you to follow the easiest path to your goal.

I just watched your hubby's second post - and I agree he seems very un-motivated. I think part of the result of his lack of motivation (in this particular video) is that it is day two - and he couldn't even make himself 'want' to partake in the resolutions he had made. In a way I think he feels that he has already failed.

From personal experience - this attitude can take on a very mean cycle. You fail once at a step you committed to, and you think - shit...but I'll try better tomorrow. At the same time you're thinking - but I can't do it. On top of that you're being so negative with yourself, and so angry and down on yourself - that when the next time comes along - you're already three quarters on the way to not doing it again.

Something I've learned is that the when you set a goal, and you don't fulfill it - you have to forgive yourself for doing this, and not just beat yourself up over it. Being realistic in your goals - and in those small goals you set to help yourself achieve the major goals - is an important way to keep yourself motivated.

Perhaps a review of the goals you have set might be a way to motivate him - a re-iteration of the reasons you want to achieve these things and the reasons he wants to achieve them.

I think having those reasons clear in your own mind, will also help you to maintain motivated. It is obvious you love your man very very much, along with all of your family - and if I remember rightly - your reason to keep him motivated are of upmost importance in that arena. If you keep these reasons clear in your head - they will motivate you to help motivate him.

Positive reinforcement is a great thing, just make sure he doesn't read it as nagging.

I hope my words have helped - and I'll keep up with your youtube channel. Hang in there. Lifestyle changes are challenging, remember to apply the strength and strategies you used with alopecia to this problem as well. Problem solving is an applicable skill in every situation.

*hugs* Good Luck.
Comment by Carmella on January 4, 2009 at 12:08am
Thanks so much for your encouragement. I rearranged and cleaned our office/workout room today so that it feels more inviting and will hopefully be motivational. I also asked a good friend of ours to make me a cd of music we love to gift my hubby so that he'll have something nice to listen to in there.
Thanks again,


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