Soooo, I'm back on the cortisone shots...

Met with my new dermatologist yesterday. Of course he highly recommended coritisone shots (don't they all) - man those suck. Along with those, he wants me to get some Rogaine, T-Gel shampoo and he also gave me this stuff in a tube I'm supposed to put on my spots for 5-10 minutes then wash off, which might cause some irritation and discomfort he warns me. All in all, just a fun and fabulous trip to the dermo. Not to mention he had this chick in there assisting him, which I was not expecting and for some reason really freaking bugged me. Left the office not feeling so hot... But I'm curious to see how getting back on the shots every 4-6 weeks does for my AA. I think I'm going to give the shots a good 4-5 times before I drop them this time. I just hate the thought of shooting my scalp up with that shit and then how it puts indents in your scalp, that can't be good. Not to mention it's gonna cost me $120 every visit probably. MEH! Alright, I'm done complaining...

The suns out, I'm drinking my favorite white mocha and all in all - life is good.

p.s. No one cared to tell me I spelled cortisone wrong in my blog last time - thanks a lot guys!

Views: 10

Comment by Melinda on June 3, 2009 at 5:58pm
Hi Eva!
Goodness thats a lot of stuff to keep you busy. I hope it works out for you. I've never had the shots but i have heard they really hurt and i'm a huge wimp. Let me know how you get on and if anything works.
Enjoy the sunshine :) That always seems to make bits of my hair grow back!
Comment by WyldCard on June 4, 2009 at 12:10am
Hello Eva,

I don't know if I could go through all that. After all I've read, most any "treatment" is temporary and fast fleeting when said treatment stops. Add to all that I have an allergy to needles... ¬.¬

I know everyone is different when it comes to which, if any, treatment they choose.

I wish you all the best of luck that you get the results they offer.

Comment by Margarita on June 4, 2009 at 9:55am
Eva, LOL you DESERVE a delicious white mocha after going through all through all those shenanigans today! I hope everything works for you. I had some bad spots and went to a see a specialist and he did the DNCB treatment instead (shots had always been working) and the switching to the treatment caused all my hair to fall out (but the doc said it of course, wasn't HIS treatment, it would have happened anyway). I want to go back to what you're doing so I let me know how it goes and I wish you the best of luck!!


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