Isn't it remarkable that in 2010 we can put out our alopecian thoughts and fears (be they medical, personal or social) online...and that someone, somewhere, whom we have never met, from anywhere in the world, may be reading and answering at any time of the day or night? That someone, somewhere, may be putting out a little thought of hope or prayer for our situations, or have the very answer we need? Imagine how amazing it is for those of us who went through MANY years of no computer at all (before 1986?), or who never met another person with alopecia!

Keep connecting, everyone! This place is more special than you know, because we can say IT, reveal IT, discuss IT and STILL be accepted and understood!

Views: 38

Comment by Chefpam on August 12, 2010 at 11:27am
You are so right. Part of the healing process is just knowing you are not alone. Thank God for the internet!
Comment by PSalem on August 12, 2010 at 11:31am
Ya, it IS nice. Nice to be able to talk to someone who actually understands. Who won't dismiss your fears and anxiety over extreme hair loss. New to this website but may find the courage to actually talk about it one day.
Comment by linda carraway on August 12, 2010 at 11:43am
I hear you girl.I got the courage to shave my head after seeing everyone on here. I now walk proud everywhere I go.If a little child can do it so can I!!!!!! I'm 52 and have never been able to talk to anyone about this.I now have a freind in publix he has the same thing and I've told him about the site. I hope to educate anyone who asks.
Comment by Sarah Eisenhardt on August 12, 2010 at 11:46am
Yes, you are so right read my blog post" Caden wants to give his hair away" about my familys support or lack of and the people on this web site have been like family in just the few days I have been on here!
Comment by Crazy Horse on August 12, 2010 at 12:09pm
I remember back in the 1970's before computers. What a strange world back then! -- nobody logged on, nobody connected around the world, nobody typed anything -- just amazing! I remember the 1970's & 1980's very fondly -- but the world is a much more INTERESTING place now with computers!! -- WE ARE NOT ALONE!! I am 52 -- and I feel like my life is just beginning !! --
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on August 12, 2010 at 12:21pm
You are so right Tallgirl, the day I decided to give up the fight and shave my head I joined AW and within minutes I got so much support and now on a day to day basis AW gives my the courage to face the world without covering up my bald head and I don't think I would be that strong on my own. Without this site and knowing there are others like me I think I would have covered up and hid from the world, it's been a godsend for me.
Comment by Norm on August 12, 2010 at 12:37pm
Of course, we have to remember that this is a really big deal for Tallgirl - after all, as probably the oldest member of this site and having only just learned what a computer is and how to use it, she's truly amazed by all this Interweb malarkey.
Fortunately, the very thing she's amazed by - the fact that I'm 5000 miles away and able to post comments practically "on the fly" - means I'm safe from the immediate possibility of her calling round to punch my lights out :)
Comment by Samantha White on August 12, 2010 at 12:38pm
I agree with all my heart that what you have said is true. Intill I found this site I had no one to talk about me having no hair. So fair I am the only one in my famliy and my circle of friends that has it. I'm just glad that I now have a place where I can talk to people about it and know they have felt what I have and know what I am going through. Cause it sucks not having someone to talk to about it all your life. But then it becomes great because now I do. Thank All That is Holy and Good for the internet!!!^..>^
Comment by Jill on August 12, 2010 at 1:34pm
I would have never healed emotionally so quickly without this network. Thank you everyone!
Comment by Lexi on August 12, 2010 at 2:09pm
I have never blogged until joining this site. I have never had any kind of chat room type experience until joining. This is the closest thing to a chat room in my life!!! And so comforting to find so many beautiful and understanding people who know a bit of what each other is going through. People to "talk" to and then know then you are not the only one feeling the same things, thinking the same things, doing the same things. A wealth of ideas and information to allow us to maybe make some decisions that are right for us with regard to this hair loss thing. Thank you one and all !!


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