well i had baby Eric 12 days ago.
a lot didnt go to plan at the end of my pregnancy.
as you may have read in my previous blog i have alopecia and lupus. i had a lupus flare (the doctors think) at 35 weeks, went into hospital with contractions, they filled me with panadine forte (codine) and the contractions stopped, i got an impacted bowel (ouuuuuuchhhh) and they didnt know it was an impacted bowel so they almost took him out via C-section but a MRI saved that, thank goodness i just fit into the machine!
my face peeled so badly, they put me on steroids. and sorted the bowel.
then i got inducted at 37.2 weeks. 5 hours of active labour, a 2 litre blood loss and after a vacume delivery i got my beautiful boy eric.
then the doctors don't really give a crap, the baby is healthy and my lupus is secondary. stupid heads!
so they sent me off with discharge notes to the GP, the GP doesnt know anything. i get an appointment with the specialist for the 15th of September 10days after my steroids are gonna run out.
so i might be still having a flare ( i feel like crap) but i dont know because this would be my first real experience with my lupus. my skin has never looked better! my hair is still growing (yay) but my joints hurt and im exausted.
if any of you have experience with lupus any advise or your stories would be appreciated.

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