So it's been two years since I've been here. Last blog I wrote I stop drawing on eye brows.... Hehe.. I am excited to say I fully have my brows back! Completely. I pray this time it stays but if it goes I have the choice to draw on or keep off.

One of the very things I have enjoyed from 2010 till now is FREEDOM. I have been bald and happy instead of hiding being bald and depress. Of course there are days I wish I had nice flowing hair, or I could hide in a crowd with a long hair wig. Most of my bald days have been peaceful.

I have not wore a wig since I took it off. I use to feel so much in bondage. I wear hats on cool days and if I get too hot I take the hat off and don't look around to see who is watching.

I am thinking about buying a really nice wig, expensive one that I can play with now and then. I am at a point in my life I thought I would never get too. I don't have to wear wigs all the time and I don't have to wear a wig one day and be afraid to be bald the next. I always talk about how God has delivered me. After 11 years of alopecia, I never felt so free. I am still praying for healing but until then I will remain with joy!

The world can be disappointed if one day I'm wig free, but I will smile and know in my heart I'm free to be me!

Happily bald!

Views: 52

Comment by lovelyjan on August 22, 2012 at 8:38pm

Thanks for sharing your testimony!!! Well spoken...When God deliver us from something we have to tell it. I too was delivered last year after having Alopecia most of my life starting at age 9 with regrowth once and completely gone by 24 now 47.... so I understand all to well. Be Bless!


Comment by Sam Sam on September 4, 2012 at 8:04pm
Wow congrats to you! I rejoice with you too! These moments are special and no oe can ate them away fom you. Awesome!


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