I decided this morning I am DONE drawing on eyebrows. Eye shadow a little foundation is all I need. No more worrying about smudged eyebrows on hot days! I am sitting at work and I could care less about them. LOL I am sooo happy to just be me. I thought to myself people must think I have no self-esteem just to walk out no wig no eyebrow, BUT ITS ACTUALLY the opposite! I have been happier, bolder, feeling good about my appearance, and have a greater self esteem!! (I thought this would never happen, I always thought I would be bald and depressed, hairless and sad, hiding with fear. I THANK GOD I HAVE BEEN DELIVERED!

I spent 10 years of my life in hiding. Hiding and in fear of who would find out that I have no hair and no eye brows. Never learning to swim, never going to far in the water avoiding life because my wig won’t fit. Had someone said Samantha hair is no big deal and in a few years you would be walking around bald I would have unfriended them! Im glad I had the chance to experience this freedom. It was hard at first trying to figure out how to take the wig off and when. Within 2weeks people were use to it and so was I. The best thing I ever did was just take it off. I saved myself a lot of money and another 10years of emotional turmoil.

I always try to share because I beleieve someone else may be at the point of taking it off or keeping it on.

I had a scary dream I went in brought a wig to wear and I woke up praying Lord I dont want to go back to wigs, please when my hair is going to grow let it come all at once, no more hiding. I never liked wigs but it was a tool that kept me feeling "Normal" even though I didn't have a normal life.

Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it. – Proverbs 4:23

Views: 16

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on November 30, 2010 at 12:00pm
Sam, Amen! Last Sunday at church I was responding to something in our Womens Cell group, I explained that when I first lost my hair I just prayed to grow it back. I told them that 20 years later I can truly say that I got my healing, but it was not hair follicles. It was the gift of being able to live fully and freely whether I grew it back or not. My source of comfort no longer depends on the amount of hair I can or can not grow on my head. If it grows back great, if it doesn't -- equally great.

My verse is Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I honestly believe that the cure to most of the things that ails us is the renewing of our minds. Changing the way that we think of the things that are going on in our lives, changes everything. This I also acknowledge is much harder to accomplish.

Comment by caroline knight on November 30, 2010 at 1:56pm
thanks 4 sharing dat! im not at that point yet but feelin the changes as i feel stronger + am suprised i 4ght i wud neva feel ok again its amazin how alopecia inevitably changes us until hair is not as important as it had been! i used 2 b so obsesed wiv mine almost think sumtimes it fell out cos i abused it so much never i was happy wiv it!!!! :@)
Comment by Sam Sam on November 30, 2010 at 2:35pm
Cheryl! Yes! This was my healing and after I said I didn't need my hair back my healing came in the form of the inside, so my mind set had to change about who I am and what I truly believe. For a few months I asked myself do you want your hair back? I said ah I don't care I am happy, God has promised me healing and what can I do with hair anyway LOL. On sunday the message was "Just ask for it" Ask God for something only he can do, not Can you get me this new car? but the Impossible. I truly am going to believe all the way. My prayers went from hair now, to thank you Lord for the impossible and me coming out was. I truly believe he is almighty healer lest I believe in vain, my focus is not hair now(in selfishness to hide) but Lord restore my hair that I may be a living Testimony. Like the Blind man who could not see, everyone knew he was blind, but Jesus allowed him to stay blind until he met him for a moment such as that. I want to be Gods moment :). @Caroline It takes time, I never woke up and said im taking it off today, first I started talking about it to everyone and anyone. Yup I don't have hair and I would say it without a care just to see reactions. Yup this is a wig. It became so natural I would tell dates by phone, email, text, inperson. Find your healing step. Its all in steps weather telling a best friend or someone close. It all helps. Its your life take contorl alopecia does not contorl you. I pray you find what makes you happy.
Comment by Karen Smith on November 30, 2010 at 7:06pm
Awesome messages!! Thanks. Even for those not ready to go without wigs there is still an acceptance and get on with life that needs to come. I am watching my college freshman do this and I am so proud of her. She is one happy camper down at school.
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on November 30, 2010 at 11:51pm
That is totally awesome Sam. You are an inspiration and make me that one more step closer to taking it off. Altho just recently in my journeys back to the pool and swimming, I did walk from the change rooms out to the pool without wearing the swim cap. I did my laps and then sat in the hot tub without even grabbing for the cap. Next step walking in without a hat.
Comment by Mary on December 1, 2010 at 4:46pm
Wonderful, Sam!!!
Comment by Tuesday on December 1, 2010 at 8:23pm
Whoo hooo!! I need to read and re-read this thread - its amazing. Thanks Sam for the inspiring story. So timely for me. I've been wearing wigs lately due to cold weather and noticing how often (about 6 times a day!) I need to retouch my eyebrow pencil. Annoying. Thanks for sharing alternatives.


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