Virtuesse Hair System - Has anyone done this or know someone who has??

I've recently been suffering from excessive hair loss due to thyroid inefficiencies. I started out with extensions to help make my hair look thicker. They worked great until most of the hair on my crown and temples fell out :( Now I don't think I have any other options but to invest in some wigs. During this whole process I had been going to a hair restoration clinic where I recieved laser treatments. The clinic also provides Virtuesse hair systems. They are real hair with a "second skin" on them that gets bonded to your scalp. You have to shave your head...that seems so scary to me. You go in every month to have it removed and cleaned. A new hair system is required every 2 to 3 months. I am wondering if anyone has done this? Is it a good option? Are there any negetive aspects of it? It's such a hard decision to make considering it seems like it will be an expensive lifetime commitment and if it looks horrible I am left with a shaved head...

Views: 2394

Comment by Joy on April 12, 2011 at 11:34pm
Hi Beverly
im not on here much but saw your blog. i dont know how long you have had trouble with your thyroid but i would wait to do the Virtuesse if theres a chance you can get yout thyroid working better and your hair growing. with that said..Virtuesse can be helpful for those who want hair all the time. some people prefer wigs because they can take them off and on but the bonded systems are nice in that regard. the best thing to do...(i did this) is go to the hair replacement place and ask to watch 2 people get their hair removed and rebonded and ask them questions. the positives are hair 24/7. the negatives for a women is you cant wear too heavy of pulls back the systems..unless you get your systems in pieces..the bond can pull away before your monthly visit but they can show you how to touch it up. you most likely would have to wear bangs as the bond pulls away as the month goes by..some women can get away with not wearing bangs, the cost is high but i know people who spend that on wigs, the smell after having it on for a month can be an lady i talked to said she used perfume the last week and some peoples scalp itch after that long of a time as well...all this i learned from watching clients. its good for someone with permanent loss but if theres a chance your hair will grow back i would wait on this option..just my thoughts. there is a girl on AW that has this and loves it...cant think of her name...maybe she will see the blog. if it was me i would get a wig (love Folleas)...then that hair doesnt get washed and dried constant and stays pretty and you can take it off at night. i wish you well with whatever you do.
Comment by Beverly on April 13, 2011 at 7:20am
Hi Joy,
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. That's a really good about sitting in on a few Virtuesse removals, I'm going to ask to do that. I just started to wear a wig and I love the way it looks. It's a synthetic, but, still cost over $300. I've only wore it three times and it already is very dry and snarly looking. I was pretty disappointed about that. I'm going to look into the Folleas. Thank you!!


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