So I thought I found the perfect wig. I finally started to look like me again and I was so happy for the few days I wore it. Well, after about three days of wearing it, it started falling apart. The ends are so dry and I can't even get the wig comb through it. It's synthetic and it cost almost $400. I can't afford to keep buying wigs. I tried washing as the directions said. It's drying on the wig stand. Just looking at makes me want to cry. It's probably going to look even worse now that I've washed it. Can anyone provide any suggestions on a good brand of synthetic wigs?? I'm just so frustrated....

Views: 39

Comment by Tallgirl on April 15, 2011 at 9:30pm
Take it back and trade it in for one by a better company!
Comment by Beverly on April 15, 2011 at 10:35pm
Do you know of any good wig stores in MI or a good brand? There doesn't seem to be too many stores around where I live...
Comment by Tallgirl on April 15, 2011 at 10:44pm
Never bought wigs in Michigan. Parents bought them then.
Comment by tommy on April 16, 2011 at 12:08am
You are a beauty! lol its amazing that all the women on here are beaut's!
Comment by PC on April 16, 2011 at 1:07am
beverly you dont have to toss the wig. just get a good conditioner and wig steamer, It will come back to life.
Comment by Amanda Carter on April 16, 2011 at 5:30am
It shouldn't be like that after 3 days, my synthetic wigs last approx 3 months before they start to get a bit shabby looking, then they get relegated to dog -walking wigs! I would take that back immediately.The only thing I can think of is that you have let heat get near it, that is so bad for a synthetic wig, you even have to be careful when you are opening the oven door, the heat that blast out is bad for your wig!
I wear Rene of Paris Amore or Noriko, they are the best in my experience, I have wore wigs for 5 years now and I am in England so my choices aren't as great as U.S but I have had no trouble with those types.
Good luck
Comment by Sophia on April 19, 2011 at 10:33am
Some wigs I've had go frizzy sooo fast too. I've had some longer ones & they lasted me like two weeks :( The longer the wig, the sooner you will have to buy news ones. My advice is to stick with haircuts that don't touch the shoulders, they will last you A LOT longer than long wigs. I usually buy Belle Madame wigs, it's a European brand but they last like 4 months. Very good quality hair. I'd stay away from Noriko, their wigs are so expensive but the hair quality is super cheap. I can totally relate to how frustrating it gets. I feel the same way about my wigs. Another advice I can give you, try not to use bodylotion too much where the hair touches the skin, it can also damage the hair. As in not too much on your neck or shoulders, depending how long your wig is.
Comment by Trish on April 24, 2011 at 12:49pm
Having had AU for most of my life and wearing wigs for almost 30yrs, I can tell you cheap. I find a style I really like (generally Paula young) and when they have sales (and they do often), I buy several at a time. I can buy them usually for about $40-50 bucks. They may not last as long (usually about 6 months), but because they are so cheap, i can buy them more often. What i do is keep the older ones for when I know i'm going to be doing activities where i might sweat alot and that way I dont have to wash the newer ones as often. Another trick i do is also buy similar styles but that are each a bit longer than the other, that way when i change them, it simply looks like my hair has grown some and when i go back to the shorter style, i just tell people i've had a hair cut. Works great!!!


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