Help picking the right wig - Blonde or brunette?

I'm new to wearing wigs. Suffering from hypothyroidism and losing hair by the handfuls :( I had very long, thick hair. I was depressed for a long time, but, am now just trying to move on and deal with the fact that I have to wear a wig.

I've purchased several over the past few months and there always seems to be one thing I don't like about each one. Either this one has the right volume, but, the front looks funny. Or, this one is the perfect color, but, the part is weird. I wish I could take all of them and combine them into the perfect wig. I'm actually shocked that these wigs aren't further along in technology than they are. It's quite disappointing, especially for how much they cost.

So, I have a few that I like and was wondering if you could let me know which one looks better. Or if they all look horrible...I can take it. I posted pics on my page. Thanks so much for any feedback. It's hard to ask friends and family because I think they sometimes tell me they look good just so they don't hurt my feelings. I just can't wait to find one I love so I can stop looking and spending so much money...

Views: 39

Comment by Sophia on May 16, 2011 at 3:11pm
The brunette one. I don't like the hairlines too much on the other two, it doesn't look bad just not as natural as the brown one. I'd definitely stick with that one :) As for the blonde ones, maybe you can have a stylist cut you some bangs so the hairline is not visible anymore.
Comment by R0BB on May 16, 2011 at 6:47pm
Hi Beverly -

First off allow me to say that with those beautiful eyes , rosy cheeks and that incredible smile .... how could anything look bad on you !!!

Ok - now that my genial fortitude is out of the way .... I'd love to give you my preference on your wig choice but alas .... your profile is set to private !

So , add me and lets have at it :)

- R0bb

Comment by Beverly on May 17, 2011 at 4:22am
Thanks, that's so sweet :)
Comment by Norm on May 17, 2011 at 12:43pm
Genial Fortitude?? Didn't he have a hit album last year, or is it to do with chromosomes, or something?? Sheesh...

Bev: The Wigs. Whatever it is about each one you're not happy with, I'll betcha no-one else even notices unless you tell them (like you just did on here....oops!) We're always our own worst critics, so just wear and go, and you'll be fine. Unless, of course, you're wearing them back to front.... no wonder those bangs are so long :)
Comment by Petra on May 17, 2011 at 3:20pm
Beverly, sometimes the wigs need a little bit of tweeking for them to look more natural. If you purchased them from a wig shop it should be included in the cost of the wig. Although I'm always a little wary if they can actually cut and style wigs....find someone that is comfortable with cutting wigs.
I've added you as a friend so I can take a look at your choices.
Comment by Brandy Snap on May 20, 2011 at 5:36pm
I agree with Robb. Who's gonna notice your wig when all they can do is get lost in your eyes! *hugs*
Comment by Beverly on May 21, 2011 at 9:36am
Thank you that's so nice :) I'm feeling a bit down today and you cheered me up:) Thank you!
Comment by Tallgirl on May 21, 2011 at 11:10am
So...are you going to make those two wigs more usable today, or soon? I have had wigs trimmed many times, and once even trimmed a really old one myself (which I don't recommend, but the ends were really fried, so what the L), with a following comment from a coworker that my hair always looked so "fly." I think that was a compliment. If she only knew! : )
Comment by Beverly on May 21, 2011 at 2:26pm
lol...that's funny! That must be an awesome feeling to get those sorts of compliments on your hair. I did wash one last night and it came out really nice. Someone gave me the tip to soak it in calgon washing machine cleaner for about 45 minutes . And, it really works. It got all the nastiness out of it. And, it's nice, soft and shiny again. I found a lady who will cut them for me. I'm going to take one there next week and see how it goes. Thanks so much for all the tips and support!! :)


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