i want to know if anyone has actually recovered from AA and seen their hair again?
i want to know if i should just give up and face that fact that i will have no hair for the rest of my life... im only 16 years old :(

Views: 162

Comment by Tallgirl on October 10, 2011 at 10:29am
Yep. My hair grew back at 20, and stayed there until after dating, marriage and kids. Then, after stress and a certain mother-in-law, it went away again (late 30s)! However, I am grown up now, have accomplished much, and I do not care about natural hair anymore. The wig looks better than my real hair did, and gets me by in town, at work, and at social events. In private, I usually go wigless.
Comment by R0BB on October 10, 2011 at 11:38am
Hi there young Lady,

Just sent you a friends request. Once accepted , see my first blog post. Dont jump ship just yet :)

Comment by clare majka on October 10, 2011 at 11:50am
Hi. Sarah i want to say that i had AA and lost most of my hair however after getting steroid shots into my head after a few months my hair is back. It took about 8 months. I want to encourage you not to give up and to say i know how you feel.You are beautiful dont forget that. Wishing you luck xx
Comment by sarah bradley on October 11, 2011 at 4:04am
thankyou all :)
Comment by Julija on October 11, 2011 at 12:48pm
Hi Sarah i have a friend with alopecia areata at her it started as she told me after had lot stress that makes sense because when your stressed the body takes all the sugar and than the protein and hair has protein in it did read this somewhere.She had lost her mother was very hard time for her.She went to the doctor and was given some cream and her hair grew back fully, but idk the creams name also i moved to other country and don't see her only contact is on line when she comes from time to time but i will send her email and wait fr her response hope she ansers soon.
Comment by Mia-Rowlands on October 13, 2011 at 4:10pm
Hi Sarah I Recovered From AA When I Was 14 Years Old And I Was Told That It Was Never GoingTo Come Back By The Doctors So It Really Does Show That Doctors Arent Always Right!
I Had A Treatment Called Ultra Violet Light Which Seemed To Work For Me :)
Although My AA Is Now Starting To Come Back I Have Been Refered To The Specialist Again So Hopefully The Treatment Will Work Again .. Think Positively! :)


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