Which presidential candidate should alopecians vote for?

Which of the U.S. presidential candidates, including so-called 3rd-party candidates, do you believe would do the most to improve the lives of alopecians? Of course, your answer to this question will depend on how you view the candidates' proposed health care policies. But perhaps there ought to be some consideration of the candidates' overall economic visions as well.

In any event, do any of the candidates speak to or for you as an alopecian? Based on what you've learned about the candidates, is there one or more you think would implement the kind of policy changes that would make it easier to pass legislation like H.R. 7078, for example, which purportedly would "increase public awareness of and research on autoimmune diseases in order to help patients get diagnosed more quickly and receive proper treatment as soon as possible, as well as to improve the quality of life for those already suffering from autoimmune diseases?"

Views: 14

Comment by JeffreySF on October 17, 2008 at 8:43pm
Obama 08
Comment by kastababy on October 18, 2008 at 7:59am
Demm -- interesting point you have there.
Linsey -- what's a family without a little good-natured politcal discussion? Think about it -- if we all agreed on everything, wouldn't this place be just a tad bit boring?

Besides -- you should really be voting for the person who is going to be the cheapest entertainment on the late night talk shows -- all the comedians are going to have a field day with Obama just on GP -- and at least he knows how to use YouTube!! LOL
Comment by spaganya on October 19, 2008 at 12:34am
when it comes to health issues, i think both candidates have it wrong. its not whether or not you have health care. I have had health care my whole life, no lapses, and i have gone into debt for THOUSANDS, because the health companies refused to cover some of my operations and things i had for my cancer and other health issues.

personally i think no one wants to say the things that need to be said - the fact that the insurance companies dont give a rats patootie about any of us, and you can have the best coverage in the world but if they refuse to pay for it, you are in the same boat with someone who doesn't have insurance at all.

personally im underwhelmed with both candidates, so im voting for my job security......
Comment by Galvin on October 19, 2008 at 1:44pm
Gen. Colin Powell (Retired) endorsed Barack Obama this morning on Meet The Press!!! As a
Republican for Obama I was very happy to hear it.
Comment by Galvin on October 19, 2008 at 1:48pm
Obama will support embryonic stem cell research and this will help find a cure for numerous
diseases....possibly alopecia. Medical research will be one of the new frontiers that can make
enormous leaps if we have a Democrat in the White House.
Comment by spaganya on October 25, 2008 at 10:51pm
McCain (or any republican really) will make sure we have the funding we need for my job. They are big on military and law enforcement.

Since i dont really have ANY candidate that is talking the straight talk, instead of trying to pander to certain groups, for a while i wasn't really sure what to do. but with the economy tanking like it is, the best i can do is to make sure whomever is in office is someone who wont slice our budget, or stop me from getting promotions or a raise. Personally i was a Hillary supporter - very disappointed that she got the shaft as well as how badly the democrats treated both the Clintons (reminiscent of what the republicans did to McCain back in 2000).

I am actually a moderate, and don't like to pigeon hole myself into one party (since i vote the issues most important to me not on any party line) - my only hope is that people go out there and educate themselves on BOTH the candidates, and dont just vote what they think is "popular" or vote based on prejudice or blind faith.

i think its scary how many Americans take what they hear on those stupid TV and radio spots or see on fox news or CNN and take it as gospel. Do your own research people! And when listening to these campaign promises, make sure you give thought to whether or not what they are promising is making you happy because its what you want to hear or what they are really able to do.
Comment by spaganya on October 25, 2008 at 10:54pm
oh and for James, heres the actual stand on stem cell research for both candidates (they both support it by the way - the only difference is that McCain doesnt want to use cloned embryos but is fine with using embryos slated for destruction - which is also supported by Obama.)

McCain opposes embryonic stem cell research that uses cloned human embryos. In 2006 he supported a trio of U.S. Senate bills designed to increase federal funding for adult stem cell research, ban the creation of embryos for research and offer federal support for research using embryos slated for destruction by fertility clinics. In 2007, in what he described as "a very agonizing and tough decision," he voted to allow research using human embryos left over from fertility treatments.
Obama supports relaxing federal restrictions on embryonic stem cell research. He voted for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, which was vetoed by President Bush. The bill would have allowed federal funding to be used for research on stem cell lines obtained from discarded human embryos originally created for fertility treatments.


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