I wore my wig to work today. It was comfortable and I think it looked nice. Of course, the kids were all looking at me (I'm a teacher), however, I had to remind myself that they're SUPPOSED to be looking at me--I'm the TEACHER! :) I was self-conscious and insecure, but it was a first step. I'm looking forward to the day when I can just where a hat/scarf/wig or nothing and be okay with it. Unfortunately, I don't have a "magic wand of acceptance" to cast a spell on myself. I just have to ride this roller coaster for awhile and let myself feel however I'm going to feel. Yesterday I had to leave work because I couldn't even speak without crying. Today I made it through the day and didn't break down once. (Close calls don't count) I'm SO lucky to work with such a great team of teachers. Coach stayed close to my room and checked in on me often--just a text away. But it was OK. It was OK.

Views: 7

Comment by Joy on March 16, 2010 at 10:18pm
Good for you Kelly!! Acceptance is a process and it sounds like you are doing well. The first steps are always the hardest i think. There are alot of brave people on this site and you have shown that you are one of them! Sorry you had a rough day yesterday. Along with alopecia comes grief..its a loss that can have all the stages of grief (as im sure you know) but thank God we know that acceptance is the end result. Im sure you have much to teach your students other than book learning! Glad it was OK!
Comment by Clara S. on March 17, 2010 at 1:48am
Hugs Kelly!! It's all ok. I know what you mean, I used to be the same way, go through all the same emotions. But I'm sure you looked great and like I said before, most people don't even know I'm wearing one and think I just have a really awesome hairstylist (and that I spend way too much time in the morning...little do they know. hahah) You'll be fine and it might be hard now, but once you cross that hurdle, you'll be a happier person :)
Comment by Christa M. on March 17, 2010 at 4:17am
Well done Kelly! You did the first step and you know where you want to go. I felt better after each new and difficult step. I am counting them and that helps me to succeed (I did 32 of them and I will make a party at 50:) ). And my personal rules: be happy to be able to smell the spring time, to run after my bus, to laugh about jokes, to have a phone call of my friends, to let life going on, to give a smile to people staring at me...
Good luck to you!
Comment by Stephanie on March 17, 2010 at 8:47am
That's great, Kelly. People notice a change and then forget about it. Sounds like you've got a nice support system, too, and that helps a lot. Hope today is even better! Stephanie
Comment by Jenna4 on March 17, 2010 at 9:16am
Oh, Kelly...I feel for you! I am right where you are....I will be getting my hair cut tomorrow and will begin wearing my wig for the first time. I plan on wearing it around all weekend so I can get used to it before I have to wear it to work (where no one knows).
We'll get through this! Good luck and wear it with confidence!!
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on March 17, 2010 at 9:58am
Kelly, has many here have said, alopecia is all about baby steps. Each one brings you closer to your goals. I remember the feeling of just wanted to almost be invisible and that nobody would notice the change and even more that nobody would comment. I too would be inches away from tears. I find as we start to find our way and work towards true self-acceptance those moments start to fade away and eventually alopecia becomes secondary to our lives. Hard to believe in the first stages, but as you can see from many here that is it more than possible. Live your life Kelly!
Comment by Suzanne Kennedy on March 17, 2010 at 8:30pm
Good for you! I used to teach middle school and I know that while they'll eat you alive if you show weakness or insecurity, they're really cool if you're up front about stuff. Don't underestimate your students. You now get to be an example for them in a whole new way. Who knows, maybe one of your students has Alopecia, or will lose their hair in the future. What an impact you'll have had on them!
Comment by Jocelyn on March 17, 2010 at 11:58pm
Congrats Kelly! I am a teacher too and went through a very similar experience! They notice a lot but they don't notice everything. So long as you are confident, you could come in with a pink wig tomorrow and they wouldn't think twice.
Comment by Dee on March 18, 2010 at 9:20pm
I know too Kelly, I stepped out for the first time in a wig a few weeks ago and boy was I self conscious! I felt like the world was looking at my wig & spent that evening at home crying and with a sore, irritated head. But the next time I went out I just decided to 'not care' and realised that nobody was staring at my wig and I felt like one of the crowd. Plus I washed the wig and it was a much more comfortable so I wasnt as conscious of it I guess. I am so new to this wig wearing too but I know it will all get to be a new sort of 'normal' soon & it sure is easier to get ready without all the hair styling :)
Comment by Kelly D on March 18, 2010 at 9:30pm
Thanks for all the supportive comments everyone. It means a lot to know that you all are out there and you "get it". I wish we could all meet for coffee! :) I really confused the kids today when I showed up in a bandanna. ;)


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