I have had hair loss problems since I was 17. I am now about to be 27. I went to a hair specialist when I was 17 and they did a biopsy. I have female pattern baldness. They told me the only treatment for women was Rogaine. So I started to use it right away. A few years ago I noticed that it didn't seem to be working as well. I went to a dermatologist who gave me Spironolactacone. I tried it for 6 months and it didn't do anything for me. I have been on Ocella, generic form of Yasmin, for a while, and that hasn't done anything for my HL either. My OBGyn suggested that Ocella would be the birth control to help, but it didn't for me. I got tired of obsessing about my hair and having a comb over. Thanks to a good friend of mine, I decided to start wearing wigs. It turned out to be a good decision and I wish I would have started years ago. I know there are hair transplants and laser treatments, but I didn't want to waste my money on trying those methods. I'm hoping one day they will come out with some miraculous drug that works for women of child bearing age! And I'm hoping that one day more people will be aware of the problem because so many people have no idea about hair loss in women especially young women. I wanted to start a blog about my experiences with wearing wigs and hair loss mainly to help me cope with everything.
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