I have had hair loss problems since I was 17. I am now about to be 27. I went to a hair specialist when I was 17 and they did a biopsy. I have female pattern baldness. They told me the only treatment for women was Rogaine. So I started to use it right away. A few years ago I noticed that it didn't seem to be working as well. I went to a dermatologist who gave me Spironolactacone. I tried it for 6 months and it didn't do anything for me. I have been on Ocella, generic form of Yasmin, for a while, and that hasn't done anything for my HL either. My OBGyn suggested that Ocella would be the birth control to help, but it didn't for me. I got tired of obsessing about my hair and having a comb over. Thanks to a good friend of mine, I decided to start wearing wigs. It turned out to be a good decision and I wish I would have started years ago. I know there are hair transplants and laser treatments, but I didn't want to waste my money on trying those methods. I'm hoping one day they will come out with some miraculous drug that works for women of child bearing age! And I'm hoping that one day more people will be aware of the problem because so many people have no idea about hair loss in women especially young women. I wanted to start a blog about my experiences with wearing wigs and hair loss mainly to help me cope with everything.

Views: 54

Comment by Tiffany P on July 14, 2010 at 2:41pm
I myself have fpb and have been losing my hair since i was 24 now i'm about to be 28 and it has gotten pretty bad. i just went and got a wig and i am glad i made the next step i never tried anything because i figured i would let nature take its course and spending alot of money for something that wont change the fact seemed pointless. I personally want to switch it up between scarves and wigs that way i am not stuck with one look. Have you shaven your head? i have thought about it but while i have some hair i figured i would keep it to hold the wigs in place better until i cant do that anymore. Welcome agian to AW and may this site be a source of comfort and information for you :O)
Comment by Alliegator on July 14, 2010 at 3:49pm
I agree... spending a lot of money for something that won't help seems pointless for sure. I do wear scarves at times like when I have a quick errand to run. Occasionally, I will wear a scarf to work. I have a few wigs so usually on the weekend, I wear a different one than I wore to work during the week. It is fun to switch it up. I wear the synthetic non-mono wigs otherwise I would only have one. I haven't shaved my head yet. I currently have a buzz cut. I used to keep my hair long enough to put in a pony tail but I found myself never messing with it so I decided to get an electric shaver to give myself a buzz cut. I like it. It feels better under the wig. I haven't gotten up the courage to completely shave my head bald yet. Part of me is scared I would cut mself. I have heard if you have a shaved head, the wig still fits good. Even though I have a buzz cut, I think my wigs still fit good. It will only come off if I pull it off. Thank you so much! I think it will! Have you ever heard of www.heralopecia.com? I'm a member of that website too and it's great! It is for women only.
Comment by Alliegator on July 15, 2010 at 1:58pm
Hi! I know how you feel... i've been there. Have you been to a doctor? You might go to make sure there isn't something more serious going on. Mine slowly progressed over the years. I used Rogaine for about 8 years and I feel it helped me. It didn't really grow new hair but mainly kept me from loosing so much of it. I lost hair all over the top of my head and you could tell if I parted my hair. I know it is so difficult to go through this when you are so young. If you want to start wearing wigs, I would say maybe take a good friend or family member with you to try on wigs. Have them help you pick one out that suits you. You might have to go to more than 1 shop to find one so make a day out of it. You could look online for some and call ahead to see if you have to have an appointment. 2 out of the 3 that I went to the 1st day were very helpful and friendly. I have a larger than normal head so it took until the 3rd store to find a wig that fit me and I liked on me. And come to find out, I got ripped off! I could have bought the wig online for like $100 and I paid $250. So... if you don't want to buy the wig you find that day, try to get the name of the brand and the color name/number. Then go online and see if you can find it to order online. There are several places that have discounted wigs. There are standard cap wigs that are affordable and Mono cap wigs that are more expensive. I haven't gotten a Mono cap yet. Those are the kind where you can sort of see your scalp so it looks more real but I think those are better if you are bald. There are also Lace cap ones but I don't know much about those. There are also Human hair ones but I think those require lots of care & effort. I like the standard cap, synthetic ones becase you only wash like once a month and it goes back to the way it was before! You just take it off at night then put it on and go in the morning! And they are affordable so I could get more than one. To be honest, I'm not sure how real they look but when I tell people it's a wig, they seem genuinely shocked. I think it depends on the type and brand you get. The syntheic ones have "permatease" and with some brands, its not bad and with others, there is a lot of it. Depending on where you go, they can range from $80 to $200.

I wouldn't purchase your first wig online without having tried it on first. They may look good online but you might not like it on you and most of the places do not take returns. I bought my 1st one where I live, then my 2nd one where my Dad lives and my other 2 where my Mom lives so I've been to way too many stores. LOL. Sometimes people sell there used wigs on some websites so you might watch out for that.

Hope that helps!


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