Will my bald spots still show if i shave my head completely and go over it with a razor?

I'm Irish and pretty pale and I'm about to shave my head but i am curious to know if my spots will still show anyway. If so then what's the point? Aren't most of us trying to conceal it?
Need answers please.

Views: 1157

Comment by Ulli on August 1, 2013 at 9:00am

You can see it in my profile pic. I use a clipper (2 mm) every 4 days. The spots are visible as long as there's no new hair growing.
But shaving my head was a relief for ME because now I don't have to cry over losing my beautiful long hair cause it's already gone. Plus the many spots I have are way easier to find.
But if your hair is short anyway, it probably doesn't make much sense.


Comment by Connor013 on August 2, 2013 at 11:53am
Thanks for the info. I guess I have some thinking to do.
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on August 2, 2013 at 7:19pm

I shave a few times a week, once a week when I am feeling lazy ;). When I first shave it is less noticeable, but as hair grows in it does start to show. I came to the conclusion that patches are my new normal. I have let go of the idea of completely hiding my alopecia. So I do what I do and then answer questions when other ask and use it as an alopecia awareness opportunity. In most cases, people are quite impressed that I am able to live my life as a bald woman and don't think anything of it. I found that since I have taken that attitude, people seem to see it as a personal choice and respect me for it. Let us know how it goes. Connor, I think you have a cool look and can probably pull it off quite well.

Comment by Connor013 on August 2, 2013 at 7:34pm
I do hope so. I've thought about shaving it all off for 2 years but the spots on my head are half the problem. But the big question was if it would show if I shaved it then took a razor and went that deep down to have a completely smooth head. The other half is either shave my eyebrows or just keep hoping they'll come back :p
Comment by Alliegator on August 5, 2013 at 6:11pm

I shave my head, and I agree with Cheryl. As the hair grows, it becomes more noticeable. Right after you shave though, it feels great! I have AGA, and the longer my hair gets the more you can tell my spot.

Comment by Connor013 on August 6, 2013 at 6:20pm
But when you first shave your head its not as noticeable right?


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