A place to finally meet others with alopecia, in all its stages. Up or down, shy or bold, old or young, we are people all wanting to meet sincere folk and find a way to cope with or laugh about this strange condition.

If you haven't met an alopecian anywhere else in your world...this world will provide you with some answers. Just explore blogs, discussions, videos and groups...and make a few "friends" for the purpose of positive exchange. We are all in this together! : ) Just had to say this today...in honor of the smiles I have gained in the last year!

While I may not let everyone onto my page, I will talk to most of you on these blogs and discussions! Can't wait to hear what you have to say!

Views: 150

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on May 21, 2011 at 10:50pm
This "world" has meant so much to me. It's sometimes scary to think its been less than a year since I have met you wonderful people. Without this place I would not be doing half the stuff I'm doing now or feeling this much peace with my alopecia.
Thank you Tallgirl for sharing this
Comment by BTB (John) on May 21, 2011 at 11:28pm
A really nice post simple but to the heart thanks John
Comment by dennis on May 22, 2011 at 12:29am
Hi. TG

Im at a crossroads. I lost my hair to AA starting in May of 2010. I accepted my condition and joined in with my friends here. Now my hair has grown back. I feel like a outsider now. Its so weird. I came to accept cutting my remaining hair to bald and liked it. Now its grown back and Im not so sure if its that great. I realize that for some hair plays a big part of their social life. I started this at later life but I still can understand what evryone goes through at a younger age.

Im kind of sad. Is that ironic or what.
Comment by rj, Co-founder on May 22, 2011 at 12:43am
Congratulations on the regrowth, Dennis! We still welcome you here, so please don't feel like an outsider. In fact, take the pledge. :-)
Comment by Tallgirl on May 22, 2011 at 12:52am
If this really is in our genes, as they now think, then we are ALWAYS alopecians. The coming and going of hair is the real question. Why? How? We are all holding breath for those upcoming professional, photographical or matrimonial events...or...we are saying, "What the hey," and developing tough shells to weather the years, the comments, and...the weather. My own hair came and went several times, with this AT, I think, being The Final Verdict, as I have had it (a) after AU, (b) at an older age, (c) with lost pigment, and (d) have had it this way for over 10 years. During the times my hair grew back, I actually forgot about the alopecia and became cocky and self-confident about my hair, so this is probably my pay-back to keep me in line as a person! The knowledge I (and you) have to give others or to listen is what continues. Who knows what eyes need to see your typed words? Aren't the elders in any culture there to clear the brambles off the path for those who might follow?
Comment by Karen on May 22, 2011 at 12:53am
Thank God for all of you and Alopecia World. Alopecia changed my life for a little while and I know that the courage I had to get thru the initial days, weeks and months came from right here! You educated me more than any doctor I have yet to meet, encouraged and inspired me when I was trying not to spiral down and hit bottom. I never did! So thank you everyone on Alopecia World from the founders with their wisdom, knowledge and strength, to the moms and their wonderful, beautiful children, and everyone in between. I have cried with you, laughed with you and I think of you and pray for you all the time!
Comment by nathalie on May 22, 2011 at 8:29am
Since I've been here on this website, my life changed, really changed, because suffering from alopecia I felt so different inside and not so much persons could imagine how we can feel, but now it's different because I know that many people in the world feel the same, and I could see that we could be really beautiful even with alopecia. So thanks, thanks a lot, I have a different view now; I'm bald but I'm also a woman and I know that what's really important is inside. Many people here are so great, sensible and with values.
I do love this website and I'm now proud to be different...as you are all here.
Nathalie from France
Comment by Ohio on May 22, 2011 at 10:07am
Dennis, my son was born with Alopecia, he has never had any for of hair growth at all. He is now 12 and more consious about his looks...and girls..so it is becoming more of an issue for him. I just read your post to him about your hair growing back and how you were not sure that it was that great of a thing. Thank you, it seemed to make him think for a minute about how important is it, would it change him as a person if he had hair...you just made a boys day. Thank you....off to a double header baseball game ;-)
Comment by Petra on May 22, 2011 at 3:56pm
It made/makes all the difference to me just knowing that I am not the only one with alopecia. Like Terri without this place I don't think I would be doing half the stuff I'm doing now. Living with alopecia for over 30 years now it wasn't until last year that I found AW and my life has changed considerable. So glad I found it!


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