Cheryl, Co-founder's Comments

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At 6:24pm on June 6, 2008, Matt said…
Hi Cheryl! Good to see you. Nice creation on line. I'm doing good. How about you. Seee you in Kentucky!
At 10:42am on June 5, 2008, Maggie McCubbin said…
Thanks, I'm just trying to get comfortable with the flow of the website...I'm hoping to learn from everyone.

At 9:27pm on June 3, 2008, ASHLEY said…
At 2:20pm on June 3, 2008, claire said…
i think you and your fiance are an inspiration to us all x
At 11:20am on June 3, 2008, Char said…
Thank you :) It's one of the photos my cousin took for Julia's book :)
At 11:38pm on June 2, 2008, Jenn said…
Thank you for taking the time and having the motivation to create this community.
At 10:59pm on June 2, 2008, Allie said…
Thank you for the warm welcome
At 6:49pm on June 2, 2008, Will Jelliffe said…

Great! This seems like an exciting and supportive network. I just wanted to inform you that your blog post has appeared on You can find a permanent link to the post here. Good luck with the network!

At 7:18am on June 2, 2008, kim trivett said…
Thank's for the website it's great.
At 11:10pm on June 1, 2008, T said…
So far I have enjoyed it. Thank you ma'am ;)
At 8:20pm on June 1, 2008, Emily said…
Hi Cheryl,
I can't believe how long it's been since I was on here. I don't know what, I guess. Wow. I just wanted to stop by, say hi, and see how you're doing. I hope all is well!
At 6:26pm on June 1, 2008, kastababy said…
OMG -- you won't catch me dead in Houston right now; until they get all the thugs and criminals that ran there after Hurricane Katrina out of there I would be scared to walk down the street by myself!! Find out where it is during the conference; if it's in Houston count me out -- I would rather meet somewhere else like Orlando or Miami!!!
At 4:44pm on June 1, 2008, kastababy said…
I won't say so much that I felt beautiful -- I was having a lot of fun because the photographer brought his little boy with him (he's 3) and he was being a little flirt! That, and because my photographer is my coworker at Comcast he was making me laugh telling me about his vacation while he was shooting the pictures!!! It was kinda liberating though; by the time the shoot was over I was more worried about whether or not my makeup was running from the sweat (it was 92 degrees with 99% relative humidity and not a single cloud) than anything!!!

Needless to say, summer has arrived in Memphis with a vengeance!!!
At 3:01pm on June 1, 2008, kastababy said…
Yeah, that's a sneak peek at the pictures I took for Julia's book project. My photographer gave me 41 shots; I picked the 20 or so I liked the best and posted them and sent all of them to Julia. I'm glad you like them! Do you know that is the first time I've ever taken professional photos bare-headed? All of my other pictures are either of my own hair, with a wig or with a scarf or head covering of some sort??? That was an interesting experience, let me tell you!
At 1:53pm on June 1, 2008, Brigitte said…
Hi Cheryl, Its was so nice to meet you and all the people yesterday.... Thanks !
At 9:02am on June 1, 2008, Diane said…
Bonjour Cheryl,
It was indeed very nice to see you again! this meeting has given me a 'preview' of what the Conference will be... can't hardly wait to be there!
Diane :)
At 12:08am on June 1, 2008, Jodi Wertz said…
Thanks for all the info Cheryl!! And the welcome! I just can't put into words what a blessing it is to have this site to meet other beautiful people, like yourself, for support. God bless you!!
At 7:01pm on May 31, 2008, François said…
Thank you Very Much Cheryl, i really appreciate your welcoming.......Merci !!!
At 6:22pm on May 31, 2008, Rachel said…
I'm getting there on the 18th leaving on the 22nd. Its going to be so exciting to meet you!
At 9:38am on May 31, 2008, Jodi Wertz said…
Thank you for the invitation to this wonderful site!! You are such a blessing! And WOW are you ever beautiful!! I've already been showing Sarah Beth pictures of other people with alopecia to help her understand what's happening. I'm still looking for a local support group. I'd love for her to meet some other children going through the same thing. God bless you for all you are doing!! And...CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement!! You are a beautiful couple!!


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