Julie Koch's Comments

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At 4:05pm on August 31, 2010, Volker gave Julie Koch a gift
hihihi.....greetings from old germany and crasy volker to anice princes,-))))
At 12:07pm on August 29, 2010, Erin said…
Hey! i just wanted to say you are beautiful and keep your chin up ;) I hope you are feeling better.
At 8:52pm on August 28, 2010, anita martin rueda said…
i from spain so my english it not good, i would like keep in touch because our problem is similar..
the trusth is that any doctor knows the reason of this.....when they say the word ...stress...uff .....Iam completly sure that it is not the problem, i know there is something else.
well, i am trying anything....now i think that it could be something that i am eating what is causing this......so i ditch the free product like coca cola light and gluten
At 8:37pm on August 28, 2010, anita martin rueda said…
I just have read your post, and you are suffering the same problem than me....i got a lot of pain in my scalp and hair loss, in my page I have put that I have alopecia areata but the doctor say that I have effluvium telogen, but a really bad one.
i wanted have a biopsia too, but the doctor said that it is not necesary because it is a efluvium ...and the pain ......they said it is because there is inflamation in my scalp but my scalp looks perfectly fine and healthy and, I am having celesemine for the pain ...but i cant take that forever!! it has a bit of corticosteroid.....

by a
At 3:38pm on August 24, 2010, estella garcia said…
JUST wanted to see how your doing?i have been keeping you in my prayers.
At 6:24pm on August 23, 2010, Jennifer M said…
Heey! Thank you for your sweet words! I always try to stay positive in every situation, it may sound cheese but it works! (Always look on the bright side of life)
The biggest mistake people ordinary do is to count all of the setbacks and tragedies that we encounter in life. I always count all of my blessings. Only the simplest thing in life - The fact that I can walk, talk and that I have a job. Those are some things we underestimate daily.
I know it can be hard at times, but please stay strong and know that it will get better with time. If you have any questions or anything. Don't be a stranger!
Love / Jen
At 5:50pm on August 22, 2010, estella garcia said…
At 4:30pm on August 12, 2010, Tiffany P said…
just read what you said about doctors and i am tottaly in agreement, Its our bodies and we are interested in whats going on i believe if we are not asking for anything illegal then why cant they take another test sheesh like as if i love giving them my hard earned money lmao its like dont flatter yourself i didnt come in here for the fun of it.
At 8:09am on August 11, 2010, Norm said…
Hiya Jools - ta for the pal add! Glad I could make you chuckle a bit.... hey, life's too short to be miserable for long!
Sorry you're having a tough time right now, but it's to be expected when you have a major loss and a change in your appearance. But it's always worth remembering that there's something "wrong" with everybody... even (supposed) gorgeous famous peeps!
(This doesn't apply to me, obviously. And probably not you either, really... :) )
At 9:57pm on August 10, 2010, Kelci said…
I got Alopecia when I was 7 years old. I wore a wig until I was 13. I stopped because it annoyed me and I didn't feel like I could be myself in it because I was always scared it would come off. Being athletic wigs never helped me be as competitive as I wanted in sports. I happened to make some really awesome friends at the NAAF conference who helped me realize it was ok to be bald and love who you are so now I'm fortunately very comfortable with being bald.
I've only had scalp pain once when I grew like 2 patches of hair back on my head. I shaved them because they hurt and they never came back. I have totalis right now. What about you what is your story? No problem for the add :)
At 9:07pm on August 10, 2010, Kelci said…
haha it's my friend Madeline's picture but yes Derek does have a brother unfortunately he is already married too!
At 6:51pm on August 10, 2010, Heather Bloom said…
Hi Julie, I'm glad that I helped you out :)
At 9:27pm on August 9, 2010, Heather Bloom said…
Hey Julie, yes, I have diffuse alopecia areata....it's the same thing as alopecia areata...except it's a diffused version. This made it difficult to diagnose. I went to a hair specialist doctor, Jerry Shapiro, here in New York. He's the one who diagnosed me. I also mentioned the burning sensation...he said that they are well aware of it and don't know what causes it. I don't know if my hair will grow back, it's on a downward spiral, but the burning has subsided considerably...don't know why. But I was where you are right now, and I'm sorry what you are going through cause I've been there....it's horrible!!!!! And no one understands, they think you are exaggerating. My mother always says...AND it pisses me off...that I will have to learn to live with it. I'm telling you, I was ready to jump off a cliff. It hurt so bad. I think it may be part of the whole autoimmune thing...I'm not sure. In my case, I think it was caused by a hormonal shift, but that's not true for everyone. Yes, I've been there, I too, have had ALLLLL the tests done...some more than once because I also felt like shit, but nothing showed up on tests. So, I'm just (barely) dealing with it. I don't know if any of that helps,
but I just wanted to let you know that I understand. BTW, don't let your doctors make you think that you are crazy and need to speak to a therapist...that's what they say when they don't have an answer to your problem.
At 7:17pm on August 9, 2010, Tiffany P said…
I think i have the name to your scalp pain and if you havent already read it its called Trichodynia.
At 7:09pm on August 9, 2010, Heather Bloom said…
Hi, Julie. Feel free to chat with me any time.
At 4:53pm on August 8, 2010, Robbi said…
Hi, Julie Ann, thank you for the friend request. I know from experience that losing one's hair is so difficult to go through. I'm so sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing on top of this. My heart goes out to you as well as my prayers. You are beautiful, too. Stay strong :)
At 11:13pm on August 7, 2010, Devin said…
Thanks for the add Julie. I loved the Big boys too when I was living in Michigan, but I dont see them here in Florida. I hope your pain goes away.

At 7:59pm on August 7, 2010, Tallgirl said…
I am thinking about you...and hoping you can get through this stage. Changes are coming...within you, too. Change is hard...but sometimes we are surprised as to where change leads us.
At 2:15pm on August 7, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Julie!
How are you today?
When I had areata my head used to hurt, too.
Now that I have universalis, I am fine!
At 4:54am on August 7, 2010, Lauren said…
Sorry! I didnt realize I had a request from you! :) I am doing "okay" I feel like I wanna crawl in a hole and hide sometimes, but then I realize how much worse it could be. How is your hair doing? I have the pain like you do and its enough to drive you CRAZY! Is yours shedding too, or is it just pain? You are SOOO beautiful and you are an inspiration to people that have this, so keep your head up! :)


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