Natalie's Comments

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At 5:36pm on March 5, 2014, powbarbie said…

You're so beautiful Natalie! Your page made me smile so much. It made me see that the day I lose all my hair, I can live a normal life <3 Can you pull you freedom wig without it coming off? Have you tried roller coasters? :] xo

At 10:13pm on September 17, 2013, Jayran said…

Natalie thank you so much for your message and your helpful links and information. I really appreciate it! I'm going to contact them as soon as possible.

At 11:54am on August 13, 2012, Josh and Kiah said…

It was great to meet you too! Kiah was so excited that you are working for a congressman. I think you gave her a little inspiration... and she really liked your wig! Hope to meet your mom at our event and maybe we also hope you will be able to make it to one some time!

At 4:27pm on December 8, 2011, Amy said…

Natalie, I had my eyebrows and eyeliner done at the Permanent Makeup Clinic on Monday. The eyebrows did not hurt. The eyeliner sort of hurt, it was more nerve-wracking and had I known I would have taken a sedative first! But I LOVE the results, even though they are still healing. It is a night and day difference waking up to a non-blank face every day! LOVE IT! Thanks for the referral! Amy

At 5:30pm on September 2, 2011, Susan Innes said…
Hi Natalie- Thanks for the note. I was originally from Milwaukee as well and now one of my closest friends is in Baltimore but we are in touch every day. I see you are in DC...such a beautiful city. I love your interests which make me envious; keep up the great achievements!
At 12:52pm on September 2, 2011, Ria said…
Thanks for the add, ive been living here in Wisconsin for 5 years now and i love it, im originally from Alaska which i miss terribly. I hate that my hair is falling out again, how did you cope with it? you said you got the permenant eyebrows done, i have been thinking about do it. but i guess afraid it will look really fake? how do u like them? thanks again any planned trips home?
At 10:19am on July 15, 2011, Katie331 said…
Hi Natalie,

Thanks again for your suggestion of Permanent Makeup Clinic -- Randomly they are having a deal on one of the Groupon-like things in DC -- Bloomspot. It's available for purchase until Saturday. Here's the link!
At 9:14pm on July 9, 2011, Renee said…
My wig is a cheapo $150. And my Mother doesn't have what I have. Well she said she had a quarter sized bald spot that grew back. However my younger brother has severe alopecia universalis like me and we have different Fathers! lol. I have an 8 year old Daughter who does not have it. I don't even care anymore if she gets it. It bothered me when I was younger and childless. I shouldn't say I don't care but I just mean that I don't think it would be that big of a deal if she loses her hair. When I was 12 and I lost all my hair and was wearing a wig in 7th grade, there was no Internet back then, no National Alopecia Areata Foundation, like nowadays. I'm 36 now. So I think she would have a different experience than what I did.
At 7:27pm on June 18, 2011, Kalin and Mom Abre said…
thanks for the request Natalie. I was just diagnosed with alopecia areata i just turned twelve and Im going into junior high and also gonna do water polo .
At 1:47pm on April 22, 2011, Danielle gave Natalie a gift
At 7:13pm on December 30, 2010, Krissie said…
I LOVE Silver is so pretty. My apartment is pretty much in the center of EVERYTHING so I don't have to go far. Im a very short drive away from the city. I've been going online to look for places I can get nice, real hair but I have not found one u know of any places? If ever you wanna meet up and talk or whatever, just let me know, would love to meet someone I have a least a little in common with! haha...
At 11:53pm on December 18, 2010, Krissie said…

Hey lady!!  Where in DC do u live?  I got a place in Silver Spring MD. 

At 2:33pm on September 12, 2010, Ilia Reed gave Natalie a gift
At 10:39pm on August 24, 2010, Kristy said…
Thanks so much! That is only about an hour from me so I will definitely check it out. Thank you!
At 10:27pm on August 24, 2010, Rebecca Strobel said…
So kind of you ... what a great attitude you have -- I'm going to try and put that on and wear it :) Please let me know how you actually DO it...I've tried and I'm so not getting it! You are so right showers are much easier :0 You look amazing - wow!!
At 10:00pm on August 24, 2010, Rebecca Strobel said…
Hi sweet girl! I graduated from Stout and actually have family in MN - which is where I'm from. I absolutely adore that you are bringing knowledge to the's all worth it. I'm honestly still having a hard time letting others into my battle. My hubby andI went to Telluride this weekend and I wore a wig and hat the whole time. The lack of eyelashes is truly the most difficult for me...I feel ugly.
I hope you are wonderfully well - you are an inspiration to me ... you are!
At 11:42pm on August 23, 2010, Kristy said…
Hi Natalie, I'd love to hear what shop you went to in IL, I'm looking for a local store but haven't found one near me yet. I ordered a long blonde wig off of but that is just my starter piece. And I ordered lots of hats off of zappos. :) So crazy that we all have to deal with this. Time for bed, hope you have a great week. Hugs, Kristy
At 8:14pm on August 8, 2010, Jennifer Krahn said…
Hey Natalie,
Went slalom skiing in my freedom piece...loving it. When I wiped, just made sure I had a hand on my head (too funny, Save the Hairpiece!). Also keep swimming in it at the lake. Hope you are enjoying the week.
At 11:15pm on August 1, 2010, Kimberly said…
Thank you so much for the comments and support. I am just not sure what to do yet. I'm leaning towards shaving and ordering a FW. I can't let this run my life anymore, I need to run it. All I have done for the last 2 months is hide in the house. No more work outs, no more working, nothing. I have to make a change. Talking to you and others here on AW is helping me figure out what steps I need to take. I apprecaite your support so much. Thanks
At 9:39pm on August 1, 2010, Kimberly said…
What did you do during the waiting time for your freedom wig? What did you wear, a wig? hats? How long did it take for you to get the freedom wig? I stopped the prednisone. I think I may just stop all the dang treatments. Im just so afraid to take that first step. Got any advise toward that?


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