Kristyn's Comments

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At 8:22am on April 10, 2010, Ilia Reed gave Kristyn a gift
Happy birthday Kristyn and best wishes for the new year and the new journey. Hope you have and find good friends that support you whatever comes ahead. Take care!
At 6:53pm on August 16, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Kristyn,
Just wondered if you have had a chance to read my book -- hoping you liked it!
At 7:59pm on May 27, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
You can also order it by just clicking my web site on my page -- and KEEP DANCING!
Take care!
At 7:33pm on May 22, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Kristyn,
I just wanted to let you know that HOORAY! Advance copies of my book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!"are available now! You can order one online by going to:
--Let me know how you like it!
At 9:57pm on April 30, 2008, Zoe Dusting said…
Hey Kris!
Whats crack a lackin? I haven't talked to you in a while. How are you doing? Is uni finished for you? How did it end up going? Have you moved home for the summer?! Okay well i hope to hear from you soon!! Take care baby bear.
At 8:33am on April 4, 2008, Michaela said…
I don´t know, I want buy a wig. Have you got a wig? Sorry, for my bad english.
At 1:15pm on April 3, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Cute Kristin,
Thanks! I added you to the mailing list. You will love the book, I promise! Hugs, LeslieAnn
At 12:58pm on April 3, 2008, Canadian Girl said…
Hey Kristyn,
You are not alone girl :0) I just got diagnosed 1 month ago and have now shaved my head!! I couldn't stand the bald spots or the handfulls of hair falling out daily. It was the most liberating thing iv'e even done in my life. I can't believe how much it has changed my life...for the good!!! I know it's hard...but try and remind yourself it's only hair. Keep in touch!!
At 5:44pm on March 31, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Kristyn, you are gorgeous!
Thanks for your interest in the book. It's due to be released this August. If you will give me your email address, I will put you on the mailing list to let you know when and where it's available. Yes, I will have it listed on the web site with a link to the publisher...anyway, if you don't want to post your email here, you can send it to me at
Hugs, LeslieAnn
At 9:20pm on March 30, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Kristyn,

I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

At 8:47pm on March 30, 2008, Alex said…
yess i love traveling....i actually just got back from hawaii yesterday...its absolutely gorgeous there....ive also been to london, paris and almost all of the about u? do u travel alot?
At 7:42pm on March 30, 2008, Zoe Dusting said…
I totally know how you feel about being the only one! And tons of people have it, but the ones with alopecia areata especially can hide it so well. It's just like me, lots of people have no idea that i lose my hair! School is going pretty well..only one week left of classes!! eek! I have to pull up my socks for exams though. Staring to panic a little haha. Did you live in rez for your first year? What uni are you going to? I can only imagine that you miss your family and friends! They're really the ones that help you through huh? You're so brave! I'm pretty lucky because both of my sisters live in victoria with me and my mom and dad just live about 3 hours away. I can just imagine the way you are feeling right now. The first time i had it, i didn't even notice it. It was my mom who pointed out my bald spots and since i had no idea i wasn't worried about it at all. The second time my hair started to fall out I was a MESSSSS. I was like a psycho ball of sadness. But i tried all sorts of different things; acupuncture, naturopath, injections, energy healing. you name it. In the end my hair did grow back and it stayed for about a year and a half. And then it started to fall out again, but then it grew back. And now it's falling out again! Talk about roller coaster. But I think it gets a little bit easier everytime. Have you considered getting cortisone injections? I've had quite a few and my hair always has grown back. I'm not sure if it is becuase of the cortisone or just its natural cycle but it seems to grow back a couple of months after the injections. They feel kinda nasty and they hurt a little but it's manageable. Or what about a hair piece? I noticed that you said that you were looking into a "wig" (i hate that word). I've never had one of those but i have had a hair piece which was amazing. Since i still had hair left, there wasn't much point in gettting a full on wig but i still didn't really feel comfortable about my bald spots. So i got a hair piece. It's basically just a bunch of real hair, that clips into your existing hair. They match the color perfectly and it just blends right into your existing hair. You can wash them, dry them curl them straighten them. It's pretty coool i'd say. I have a couple of pictures with it on. (I call it my mushroom top. haha anyways...) People are amazed when i tell them that it's not real. I have to show them how it works etc. Okay well i think i've over messaged you by now. I'll talk to you soon!!
p.s. is your hair still falling out?
At 2:09pm on March 30, 2008, Zoe Dusting said…
Hi Kristyn! It's your birthday in 12 days wahoo!! It's so nice to see you here. It's nice to meet someone who is the same age and going through the same thing as I live in canada! Yay! My hair is falling out a lot right now too, but this is my 4th time having it fall out. I've never lost all of my hair or my eyebrows or eye lashes. How are you doing? If you ever want to chat just let me know! I'd love to talk to you:) Have a fabbbulous day.
At 1:42pm on March 30, 2008, Kristyn said…
Hey everyone! I want to upload more pictures, but it's not working... I tried downloading the Java thing and that isn't working now either... Any ideas?
At 12:19pm on March 30, 2008, kastababy said…
Hi Kristyn, and welcome to our community! I am very glad you decided to join us, and I hope you find all the love and support you are looking for here with us!! Enjoy your time here!!!
At 10:28am on March 30, 2008, Michaela said…
Hi Kristyn...How arre you ? You are very beautiful girl...I lost all hair and before one year i have got new hair and now? My hare are losting again...It is very sad:(
At 5:24am on March 30, 2008, Roger said…
At 1:52am on March 30, 2008, JeffreySF said…
Hi Kristyn, Love the Jackie O sunglasses,

Welcome to Alopecia World. I've never been to Ottawa but I think Canadians are the Best!!!
I hope your AA goes away but in the meantime we are all here for you.

At 9:40pm on March 29, 2008, Alex said…
hey and welcome!! whats up?


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