Billie's Comments

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At 11:51am on June 19, 2008, Mandy said…
Awww thanks so much for the blog comment. :o) I'm feeling much better and actually I'm leaning towards shaving it tomorrow when I go to pick up my wig. Of course still feeling nervous but I feel 100% better about the decision. I just can't bare to watch it slowly all fall out. And really there's no harm in shaving it because I would need to do it regardless - even if it was growing back it would take years to grow out again so might as well get it all to the same length (which is no length). LOL.
At 1:21am on June 18, 2008, Bob Hershberger said…
Billie..Thanks for your warm welcome..Thats always nice,to turn on the computer and find a nice welcome...I read your story,and yes,boy can I relate to it..I to was diagnoised with a thyroid problem..Its my understanding that almost every one with AA etc..has a thyroid problem,or lets say its real common..Did you know synthroid only has half of the "juice" your susposed to get..I think its called tsh..I think its the goats thyroid juice that has both tsh's in it..Ive been told its good to have both,as thats what a normal thyroid has..Ive been dealing..(not battling) with AA for 38 years..And yes,it never really gets easy..I love your family pics..You have a great family..Good for you..I find if I can put AA totally out of my mind,instead of the first thought in the morning is AA,my hair starts to grow in better..So thats what I do,of course,and its not my fault,so why should I be embarresed..I didnt choose this,so I didnt do anything wrong..I think thats my best advise for someone new..Its not your fault,so dont hide away..Live your life,and love yourself,and others will also..You know,Ive read many storys about women who were pregnant when there AA started..I wonder whats up with that..And as you know,it usually comes with other autoimmune problems..Ohhh great huh?? LOL.Anwayy,thanks you so much for your kind greeting,and I hope we can stay in touch..It helps to know we not alone..Thanks Billie..Bob : )
At 8:06pm on June 17, 2008, Drew said…
Hey Billie, thanks for the comment and the friend request. How is your week going so far?
At 12:12pm on June 16, 2008, Holly Ralston Oyler said…
Thank you for your welcome. I am sure I am going to love the site as much as you do...once I get the hang of using it correctly.
At 3:02pm on June 14, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Billie, Thanks for dropping by. I LOVE this site too! It is an inspiration to me and I love to see how well we are all using it. Will you be at the conference? Cheryl
At 9:23am on June 14, 2008, Mandy said…
Hi! I hope you have a great weekend, too!

At 6:11am on June 14, 2008, T said…
Interesting how all these sneaky disorders are linked together, huh? I believe Alopecia is genetic and is related to so many other skin disorders and auto immune disorders. My mom's mom and my mom both suffered and suffer from RA. My mom's dad and my mom....both with vitiligo. My dad and I, both have eczema. I really do think they all connect somehow. When I first started to lose my hair, my dermatologist said it was from my mother went to my elementary school and had a talk with all my teachers and basically asked them not to stress me out :) Funny right?
When I was a baby it took a long time for the hair on my scalp to grow. I looked like a little boy :) I have never had hair on my arms or legs, which I'm okay with. I began to show signs of AA when I was 7. It progressed into AU within a year and then six months or so later....all the hair on my scalp came back....completely!! A few months later it all started to fall back out....I have not had hair since.
My son Ezra is seven months old and while his pediatrician doubts he'll have Alopecia, I worry because he doesn't have very much hair at all!! And, his toenails don't seem to grow!! Is that strange? I think it is....everyone tells me not to worry....but I think it's unusual that after seven months of life....I've never once had to clip one toenail! Plus, the one on his big toe started to look like it stopped growing in the middle and then began a new nail underneath! Again...Doc says chill out....I say....."we'll see...."
He'd be okay to have Alopecia....but of course I don't want him to have to learn to cope....if it were up to me he'd fly through life on a fluffy white cloud of great opportunity and no heartache....not realistic but I am a mommy ya know.
It's nice to meet you.
At 11:41am on June 11, 2008, Donna Evans said…
Thanks for the complement on my wig. I think it looks good and I feel good when I see myself in it. The hard part is dealing with not feeling pretty when I have it off I guess. That will get better with time… I hope. Ken (my husband) was so happy to shave my hair off. He got an evil playful gleam in his eye. He loved it. He is such a good sport when it comes to getting his picture taken. He always acts like me and my sister-in-law (who takes all of the pictures of us) are nuts when we want him to get in this pose or that pose but his picture always comes out good. I like your headband. Is the hair attached to it? I have been looking at one in a wig magazine but have not gotten the nerve to order it.
At 9:29am on June 11, 2008, Mari said…
thanks! You are right, I do feel a kinship here- I can't believe the welcome I have gotten. I am so glad I was told about this site
At 8:41pm on June 10, 2008, Denise said…
Hi Billie, It's nice to meet you to. I'm 36 and have been single now for 5 years. I'm finding it very hard to find someone. I think the hair thing scares the guys away. I've tried all the teatments out there, none have done anything for me I gave up on those along time ago.
At 11:22am on June 10, 2008, Carol said…
Thank you for adding me as a friend as well as your encouraging words! I enjoyed your pictures too! Keep smiling! :)
At 2:18pm on June 9, 2008, Tony said…
Hi Billie...thanks for the add. Read your profile...sounds like you have a great family!
At 5:28pm on May 27, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Billie,
I have au and it might be easier, since all the hair is gone and I have no options of wondering whether to shave it or not!
It's been 20 years now and things are good. Let me know if I can help.
At 4:01pm on April 9, 2008, Erin said…
Hi Billie-I stopped all the lotions and potions a long time ago myself. I never found anything that made me keep my hair and feel good at the same time, so...I figure, just let nature take it's course. Luckily, so far, mine has always grown back for at least a full year between flare ups. Are you a full time mom or do you work outside the home?
At 7:00am on March 22, 2008, MO gal said…
Well Billie....It looks lovely! We dont have any local wig shops so i have bought most of mine online. I found one similar to the one your wearing but its from China with bad feedback so I was leary of ordering. Im going to look further. ;) Thanks for the info! Have a wonderful Easter!
At 4:31pm on March 21, 2008, Lisa said…
Hey Billie,
Let me know what happens with your hair. I am not noticing any changes. I mean the hair is still slowly growing back in the old patches (without the injections) but I also still have many spots that I am losing my hair. Crazy cycle it is!! Keep me posted!
At 5:59pm on March 20, 2008, Lisa said…
Hi Billie,
You look beautiful. Nice to meet more people with alopecia. Love your scarf!
At 10:14pm on March 19, 2008, Dotty said…
Hello Billie,
Nice to meet you. Thank you for the nice compliment. Hope to get to know you better.
At 4:54pm on March 14, 2008, MO gal said…
Hello Billie...Welcome! Lovin your hairstyle in your picture. I have often tried scarfs but cant seem to get them to look that good.
At 12:27pm on March 14, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
Welcome to Alopecia World! I certainly hope that you enjoy being an integral part of our unique and beloved community. Wishing you great joy and good success, richard jones (iAMrj), Community Co-founder. :-)


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