March 17, 2010 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm – San Francisco CA USA Come for some support and support others as we rev our engines for the 25th annual international NAAF Conference. Organized by JeffreySF | Type: support, and, open, discussion
March 27, 2010 from 7pm to 11pm – Designers Place at the VF Outlet Center Open Bar and great food all night by OFF THE AVENUE & RHEIN'S CLASSIC CATERING. How's that for a 2 for 1 deal!! The food will be great! BERKS JAZZ FEST location with LIVE MUSIC! 7pm to 9pm - Rem… Organized by Children's Alopecia Project | Type: dinner, drinks, silent, auction, and, a, show!!
June 23, 2010 from 7pm to 8:30pm – Timothy's, College Square Come and meet up with other Alopecians in Ottawa for a coffee, some laughs, and to support each other! Organized by Julia McDowell | Type: support, and, fun
August 20, 2010 at 3pm to August 22, 2010 at 4pm – www.ChildrensAlopeciaProject.org From Friday, August 20 to August 22, 2010 The Children's Alopecia Project presents ALOPECIAPALOOZA 2010 - CAMP EDITION! We had kids and their families attend from 28 states and 3 countries. We never… Organized by Children's Alopecia Project | Type: self-esteem, convention, and, camp, for, kids!
October 1, 2011 from 9:30am to 12pm – Redland Bay Uniting Church Hall Queensland Alopecia Support Group meeting. Be brave come and join us! over 25 attendees have RSVP'd so far!!! $10 per person includes morning tea! wig suppliers and lots of give aways Please RSVP… Organized by Angela Jackman | Type: social, get, to, gether, -, with, other, alopecians, and, friends
February 14, 2012 all day – world wide this Valentines Day show the person in your life that is bald, from alopecia areata, or other hair loss conditions, or by personal choice, how much you care by sending HUGS across the world. being ba… Organized by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri | Type: i, created, this, event, on, facebook, and, wanted, to, share, with, you, all, join, in, aswell
September 14, 2013 from 1pm to 4:30pm – Watha T Daniels Library SWAG Sisters With Alopecia Group Presents Bald Women Rock If you are experiencing hair loss due to Alopecia, chemotherapy, or natural hair thinning we would like to invite you out to be a part of ou… Organized by Sisters With Alopecia Group | Type: inspirational, and, support
October 6, 2018 from 10am to 4pm – Museum of Arts and Sciences Train Station Organized by Evangelist Angie BEE | Type: health, beauty, and, shopping, bazaar, with, fashion, show!
September 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023 – Anywhwere Walk For Alopecia™ September 30, 2023 San Francisco at Lake Merced (Walk located at Lake Merced Blvd. Parking Lot at intersection of Lake Merced Blvd. & Sunset Blvd.) Happy Alopecia Awareness Mo… Organized by | Type: raise, awareness, and, fundraise, for, naaf
January 17, 2024 from 7pm to 9pm – Zoom Alopecia Areata treatment updates, and Quality of Life Guest Speaker Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH Dermatologist and Researcher Brigham & Women's Hospital Boston, MA Tuesday, January 17, 2… Organized by Thea | Type: virtual, talk, on, new, treatments, and, research
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