November 7, 2008 at 10am – Uk Milton Keynes Re: date for your diary 7th and 8th November 2008 No doubt that most have you have seen the BBC link and read all about the TV program and also the BBC morning news. Well the TV program was such… Organized by Heidi Worman | Type: drop, in, demo, day, wigs, makeup, and, lots, more
February 14, 2012 all day – world wide this Valentines Day show the person in your life that is bald, from alopecia areata, or other hair loss conditions, or by personal choice, how much you care by sending HUGS across the world. being ba… Organized by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri | Type: i, created, this, event, on, facebook, and, wanted, to, share, with, you, all, join, in, aswell
March 10, 2012 from 2pm to 4pm – VICTORIA ARBORS PARK Saturday March 10, 2012 2:00pm-4:00pm PICNIC IN THE PARK Chino California Alopecia Areata Support Group Meeting Victoria Arbors Park 7429 Arbor Lane Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 The support group is an… Organized by PC | Type: picnic, in, the, park
October 20, 2012 from 1pm to 3pm – 120 OLD HAMPTON LANE HAMPTON VA,23669 COME OUT TO OUR 2'ND SUPPORT GROUP POTLUCK LUNCH,BRING YOUR FAVORITE DISH AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHT'S ABOUT ALOPECIA AND DATING,,IT WILL BE FUN IT WILL BE AT 120 OLD HAMPTON LANE @1PM TO 3PM...SO COME O… Organized by Latina Sethman-Benthall | Type: bbbw., support, group, in, hampton, tidewater, areas!!!!!
June 29, 2016 from 6pm to 7:30pm – Bravadas Wigs & Extensions dallas%20alopecia%20event.jpg Organized by bravadas | Type: alopecia, support, group, in, dallas, tx
March 11, 2019 to March 20, 2019 – ITALY from Milan to Rome Ciao Capelli di Speranza will be in ITALY March 11th -March 20th From Milano - Roma and we'll be taking appointments for free consultations and fittings. Sign up now! You never know if you'll be th… Organized by Capelli di Speranza | Type: capelli, in, italy, (donating, a, full, cap)
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