October 1, 2011 from 9:30am to 12pm – Redland Bay Uniting Church Hall Queensland Alopecia Support Group meeting. Be brave come and join us! over 25 attendees have RSVP'd so far!!! $10 per person includes morning tea! wig suppliers and lots of give aways Please RSVP… Organized by Angela Jackman | Type: social, get, to, gether, -, with, other, alopecians, and, friends
February 14, 2012 all day – world wide this Valentines Day show the person in your life that is bald, from alopecia areata, or other hair loss conditions, or by personal choice, how much you care by sending HUGS across the world. being ba… Organized by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri | Type: i, created, this, event, on, facebook, and, wanted, to, share, with, you, all, join, in, aswell
June 23, 2012 all day – Austin, TX Jeffery Segal of www.bestpermanentmakeup.com is coming to Texas at the end of June. He is a perm make up artist who specializes in clients with Alopecia and has offices in Chicago and NY. He is visit… Organized by Kim Karacz | Type: national, permanent, make, up, artist, coming, to, texas
November 25, 2012 from 11am to 3:30pm – Renaissance by the Creek Convention Centre (427/Dundas) Angel Hair for Kids® is a program of A Child’s Voice Foundation® that provides wigs and hair loss solutions to financially disadvantaged children in Canada, who have lost their hair due to medical co… Organized by Dawn & the event committee with Angel Hair for Kids | Type: fundraiser, to, purchase, wigs, for, underprivileged, children
May 19, 2013 from 1pm to 4pm – Englewood, NJ http://bitly.com/BGPartyMay19 Organized by elizabeth | Type: party/, gathering/getting, to, know, others/su, pport
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