Right now I have a lot going on. We are having a hard time trying to find someone to replace me at work, I am no longer sure what direction my job is going in and if indeed I will still have it, we are dealing with immigration lawyers, trying to find out how we can have the wedding that we want, decisions on selling my condo and other assets and so many other things are up in the air. So recently I picked up a copy of Best Health Magazine (October 2008) and it had and article on stress. One of the points I really found interesting and thought I would share it with you.

"Go Deeper - Negative aren't always to be dreaded. When it comes to corn crops, for instance, a dry start to the growing season can be beneficial because it causes roots to grow deeper as they search for water. Is there a similar upside to whatever situation is causing you stress? Instead of focusing on the lack of rain, see if you can articulate the strengths you're building by "looking for water". Finding personal meaning and value in the experience can make a stressful situation more tolerable, say Maunder."

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Perfect. It is appropriate to push yourself a little harder or a little longer when needs arise. This definately doesn't hurt you this helps us. My son has always had trouble with academic learning ( I don't like to label him so for want of a better explanation he has dyslexic tendancies). This has made him have to push himself in areas that he finds very difficult, but even though it is hard he is finding his way by working to learn ways that he must retain and hold on to his knowledge. Just like the plant grew the roots longer - we all have this ability to look and change a disadvantage into an advantage.

Cheryl, I'm sure all will work out as it should and any challenge that arises you and rj will overcome. Good luck with everything.

How interesting that you would post this Cheryl!

I was going through the same thing not too long ago myself when I was preparing to move back to Nashville from Memphis. My company had blocked my transfer, and even though I had made the decision to move back home anyway, I was somewhat anxious about my ability to find another job once I got here. I shouldn't have worried -- I found a job within 4 days and my wonderful boyfriend has been by my side every step of the way to help me out, so it's been a lot less stressful than I thought it would be!

I'm with Bogie on the Lake Erie wedding with the funk brothers playing at the reception -- but at least get "Detroit Rock City" played at least once so all us metalheads can rock out too! :D

All the small details will work out for you and RJ, I just know it!!! :D
It is the hard things in life that confirm how strong we truly are. When something seems so hard and we do it anyway we discover what we are truly capable of and the positive in that is everything afterwards seems so much easier. I like to remind myself of this through the little engine who could as he shouted "I think I can, I think I can" as he climbed up the hill! LOL funny but we all have our own little ways of motivating ourselves to get through the obstacles life has to offer. I'm sure everything will come together for you and rj, I couldn't be happier for you both!
I like this post. I totally relate to it. The worst event of my life -- my husband's sudden death in 2004 -- has been an incredible experience. Having to rebuild everything changed me for the better and, although I miss my husband, life would be less meaningful and somewhat incomplete without going through this whole process. Suffering can indeed be a blessing sometimes.

I'm grew up on the shores of Lake Erie. Now I live in Southeastern Washington state.
Marie, that is very insightful. I do read the bible and there are 2 stories (Ruth & Job), in which they lost their families. I had the hardest time understanding how they could get to a place that they felt that God had really come through for them and although I still don't understand completely I can see you have a similar attitude. I guess when certain situation happen you feel like there is no end or that you will never surface and when you finally do surface again and can take a deep breathe and enjoy life again you can look back on the situation, no matter how tragic and see where you came from, recognize the strength and coping skills that you had to muster up and be thankful for that growth. Again serious thankful for your insight.



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