Got a little something to share with you all, as I STILL feel a little tug and struggle. As you all may know I have AA. My hair, just in the past year came out nearly 85% of it...

As of today, if I go 4 days without shaving I have a head full or hair...well except the large patch on the back near my neck.

SOOO...I should be happy right? I feel so torn though because I've been PUBLICLY bald now for over a year. I'm happy because I'm on this mission of's so near and dear to me that people see me...a bald woman...a NO health problem bald woman...a PROUD bald woman...a woman that's accepted Life for what it is, bald woman...

I was thinking that me feeling torn is due to having to deal with loss all over again...not wanting to get my hopes up, but that goes against everything that I affirm in my life. Being POSITIVE...Speaking GOOD AWESOME things into existence...

How do I not feel like this...I LOVE me, but won't this stop my mission if people don't see me loving my Bald self if I let my hair come back? The awareness will then stop for me and what I'm trying to do, right?

It's important to me that others see that a Bald woman is just as BEAUTIFUL as a bald Michael Jordan.

Did I just answer my own question? :0))))

How do you all handle when your hair is in Remission?

Peace and Light!

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Hello dating for hubby wouldn't be too happy:0))) I guest what I needed to say that I feel my purpose is to help others...others need help too right? Don't get me wrong...I Love me for me, I just go through this bout of should I grow what does grow in out or do I continue to shave it...I actually love it when others ask me when they are bold enough to do so why and what. It's my time to educate so when they see another then they won't automatically assume. It's just when it does come back in, I know I won't get the same effect so is that hendering the cause...the quest for awareness???

Thanks for your comment
Julia, you don't have to be bald to effectively promote alopecia awareness and self-acceptance. Rather, you have to be willing to share your own liberating and uplifting story while exposing "the beauty myth," combating lookism and thus helping to awaken others to the realization that, if their lives are to be as meaning, magnificent, joyful and fulfilling as possible, they too must find the courage to be true and good to themselves and to define for themselves what makes them beautiful inside and out. Indeed, to see this reflected in your exercise of choice even when it comes to what you do with and about your hair or the lack thereof can only strengthen your personal witness to the real power of such radical self-love and self-acceptance. So, don't limit yourself to hair or hairlessness, but continue to expand your own positive possibilities so that you can further expand other minds. :-)
Julia..Good for you on being so positive,and able to accept yourself AS IS !! I find that so beautiful.. Thats such a huge achievement,its not even funny..Tied to ""will you loose you ability to share"" your journey with others,and being healthy and bald..My answer to that is....While that is your ""mission"" as we speak,its sooo possible that your right on the verge of entering your next phase of your ""journey"",and have many new avenues of sharing you havent even thought of just yet,and besides,after having AA for 40 years,my hair has come and gone,but I still find many opurtunites to assist others with AA etc..and I have a few other new avenues,that bring me as much or more happiness to be part of..So,as your journey changes,ALWAYS go with the flow..You just never know where God needs you to help..There is only one thing thats constant,and thats change itself,so dont ever be afraid to enter the next segment,as you'll be just fine,and most likely even better..Just one mans opinion..Hope that helps..Bob
Hair or no hair,AA will always be a part of your life,that will always offer you chances to assist and help..
PS ..................................Keep the faith..Give the love..Share the happiness...Bob
PPS__Lance Armstrong..Did he loose his ability to assist Cancer victims,because he was cured of Cancer?? No!! He became a role model,to give HOPE to people who otherwise might not of had any..I think you also give that very needed ""HOPE"" to any and all who come to your presence..Its true.. Go with God : ))
Hi Julia, I used to be afraid of my hair falling out. Now, I'm almost as afraid of remission. I have AA and have struggled but found a great deal of peace and strength in just keeping my head shaved. Being bald makes me stronger than my alopecia. I also think this condition has caused my to become a person who is more open to others. I like that person I see in the mirror. However, some of the patches are starting to fill in. My head is a bit more difficult to shave as the hair increases in volume. The question is, do I want to go through this again? Hair grows in. Hair falls out. Do I just ride the wave of AA in the quest to look "normal?" What's so great about "normal" anyway? My baldness has allowed me to take a hard look at others - especially people who make fun and scoff at us alopecians. Do I really want to look like some of them? I like identifyng myself as alopecian - it is part of who I am. Perhaps it really doesn't matter if the hair grows in or not. That is just a styling choice. I would not trade the experience of alopecia for anything. This really has been a gift.
You are are you no matter if you have hair or not. If you want to continue to be bald go for it or if you want to try your new hair out, know yourself out :) You have done so much for alopecia awareness and whether you have hair or not, I know you will keep up the cause :)
Hi Julia, coping with remission is a very sweet and sour situation from my point of view. I was au for 4 years before I had regrowth. I never doubted it would grow back. But after a couple of years spots started appearing again and I was devastated. I didn't think I would survive going through that loss again...but I did of course and today I'm not exactly au/at/or aa - I think I'm in the middle somewhere with some regrowth in various places. However, I continue to shave my head daily as the regrowth there is only on the top. In fact I wish it would fall out again if it won't continue to's been this way for the past 7 years now. Right now my eyes are itching like blazes, a sure sign the regrowth I have is about to disappear yet again. So to cope with the disappointment of regrowth/falling out, I'm at the stage where I don't get my hopes up very high nowadays - I've lived with this for nearly 20 years - and go with whatever is dished out to me. I always hoped not to be bald when I was old but I'm afraid that's just what's going to happen and as much as I hate it I've accepted it.
What I keep telling myself... it matters most how I feel. I have not shaved my head yet, although I am very tempted..i can still hide my bald spots...sort of. But I am not ashamed of my AA, it is what it is. I havent delt much with Remission, I lost all my hair when I was three then it all grew back. I was too young to care then what was going on. So now I just am getting my mind set that it will all fall out again. I am ok with it but I am not ready yet to show myself as a bald woman, but when I do. I will be confident. It isnt what hair that makes people remember and love you..its the person you are inside and how you treat others. I try to make others aware of Alopecia and accept it, even though Im not bald. The awareness is something that I do for the rest of my life, no matter what course my alopecia decides to take.
Enjoy having the hair for as long as it lasts -- put it in a ponytail, color it blonde, red, green, brown, black -- whatever suits your fancy! Get it wrapped (but don't get braids, LOL), get it cut -- do whatever you're bold enough to do -- and make sure you take pictures, because I'm sure you're just as beautiful with hair as you are without it!

That's what I do when my AA is in remission -- I live my life just as I always have and style my hair however it suits me -- and when the day comes that my AA kicks back into high gear, I stop and thank God that I could enjoy having hair for a little while longer and continue to live life as a beautiful bald woman!

Hope that helps!
I say both because without hair it's money for hair products, not going to the barber shop as much(no offense guys) and getting to look stylish in the hats! Besides it don't mtter what people say about you condition they just don't see that we are unique when i was younger everyone in school was picking on me but i took the spotlight and made lot's of friends!
Ahh Jack...Thank you so much and to you all for the encouraging words and suggestions. I've decided to keep it just takes me maybe two or three extra days to shave it off now. Sometimes I think that it has a mind of it's own because now it comes back quicker than before as if to say "you're not getting rid of me"...LOL...Well I sure thank you all for replying to my post.

The book that I'm currently putting together is coming very soon, it's in it's final stage and will be avail. soon.

Take Care!
Whatever you do...don't ever regret it

There's no need to think about it too much the right thing will come naturally.

LoveLove xxx
Hi Julia! I agree with RJ: If you continue to shave your head simply to continue your mission, are you limiting yourself? Life with, or without hair, is wonderful, so if your body is naturally growing your hair back, why not keep your hair? If you had indicated that you preferred to shave your head because it felt most natural to you, then I'd say shave and stay bald, but if you're doing so to prove a point, you may be clouding your natural beauty - which is simply you looking how the Creator intended for you to look. Just an idea. And by the way, I'm bald with no regrowth, don't expect any regrowth, and am loving life. Best wishes.



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