I made an appointment to tatoo eyebrows this Saturday! Im FREAKING out!!! I need some advise? Should I wait longer, should I just do it?????? I've been drawing them on everyday anyways. Tell Me what you think, if youv'e done it, oe seen someone with them???

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Hi Heather, I would just make sure that the technician that you go to is qualified. He or she should have the color pigment that would compliment your skin tone. When I went I wore the wig the matched my original hair color the best, but you can choose what you like best. The first time I paid about $300 for mine and about $100 for a touch up here in New Jersey. If you need a recommendation, please check out my post from Aug. 29 above.
Is there a place in canada Newbrunswick or Nova scotia that you can get tattoo done by looking natural???? and someone that does it for many years. I need help. I want to get mine done so bad. I would rather wait til i find the right person that done it many times and Knows excatly what theyre doing. I dont want to get screwed up.lol So anyone on here knows, please let me know. it would be great!:)
Hi everyone. I have been debating whether or not to do my brows for awhile and after reading your stories I will try to find someone who is qualified to apply them since your experiences have been positive. If anyone knows of an artist in Ottawa, ON I would love to hear about them.
thanks for the insight into this area.
Jennifer, I had a tatoo on my ankle 20 years ago and cride like a baby. But the penciling in my eyebrows every day, only to have half gone by sweat or rubbing was too much. I had them tatooed in December and it was the best decision I ever made. I NEVER worry about if my eyebrows are "on" or not. Mine look just like the ones I drew on for the past 7 years, but some places will actually tattoo litle hairs that look very natural. I won't lie it hurt, but not painful hurt just stinging, but coming from a big wimp-it is so worth it and very bearable. Good luck!
Yesterday I had the pleasure of permanent make up artist Susan Church work on me. She corrected my existing eyebrows which I had done over 10 years ago with her hair strokes technique. I was so impressed by her and her staff! She is so knowledgeable and precised on the technique and did an amazing job on me! She took her time and patience with me and her standard of procedure and safety was paramount! Please visit her website www.susanchurch.com. I highly recommend her. I will be posting pictures of my new eyebrows soon and will be showing them off in person at the NAAF conference in Houston next month! Holly
Hi Holly,

I'm glad the eyebrows worked out.
I'll look for the pics and I'll cya in Houston too.


I had mine done 6 days ago. They are still healing and a bit dark BUT I LOVE THEM. I went with no eyebrows for 4 months and every time I tried to draw them on they looked ridiculous. My husband said I don't really need them but what does he know. Your eyebrows really frame your eyes.
The lady who did mine shaped them differently from my own eyebrows so I was nervous. But honestly, I think they make me look younger and brighten my eyes. I had had my eyeliner done since eyeliner doesn't stay on well when you have no lashes. She redid my eyeliner and then did my eyebrows and I must say I look fabulous!!!!!

(Make sure you don't have any big plans the following week because of the swelling. Because I had both done, there was lots of swelling and the liner and brows were very dark. I wore my sunglasses out one night to a play, people must have thought I was weird but not as weird as if they saw my eye makeup!!!)

I have so much confidence now! Just do it!!!!!
Congratulations! I had the same feeling after I had my brows and liner done.
I just had a touch up and posted pics on my page. Take a look
Jeffrey, your eyebrows look fabulous too!great photos
Thanks Mom!!!

I just had my eyebrows tattooed yesterday. I went to a very qualified technician and was very comfortable with her. I kept telling her how natural I want my eyebrows to look, because I never wear makeup. But because of overplucking them for thirty years they weren't growing back any more or in the wrong places. I looked into hair replacement for the brows and that sounded totally weird. So I bit the bullet and had it done. I'm loving the shape, but they are SO DARK, that it is totally freaking me out. I mean REALLY freaking me out. Reading this site has helped some. Most people singing praises, but what was it like the minute you left the place. How many were kind of freaking becuase they too thought they were dark, and drawn in looking. Please tell me this will pass. My daughter keeps trying to reassure me that they will be fine, but I'm like if they don't how do they look and all she will say is DARK. My husband even made the comment of a magic marker use, which put me right back at the mirror. I waited so long to do this and I want it to turn out good! Someone please tell me you had these thoughts a fears too. I'm close to tears!



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