I want to go into law enforcement. I have decided to put myself through the Police Academy. I am a woman with alopecia.How in the world am I suppose to go about telling my instructors? Should I just not wear a wig. Ahhh what do I do?

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I would confer with the instructors and get their advice. I would imagine you could wear your wig in the classroom but for the physical training you may choose not to. Good luck.
Yay for wanting to join the thin blue line :) welcome to the fold :)

and usually you can just wear a bandana - no biggie. depending on the type of academy and how much classroom vs. PT there is, you might also be able to wear your wig during the lighter days. Honestly, i wouldnt even bother with it until you get out of the "everyone is yelling all the time" phase.

message me if you need anything else :)
I'm a girl and I went through the police academy....it was totally fun and hard too....you will not want to do it with a wig on......Let me tell my instructor tried to get all the girls to shave their heads .....so they would love it!!!
yeppers - and if you look at most men in Law enforcement- they shave their heads bald anyway... you will fit right in. and its true you dont want long flowing locks to get in the way during defensive tactics training and whatnot. i would rather wear a bandana to fight with than a wig that gets pulled off.
Go for it, be direct, honest and flexible.

You'll want to use all your options: some days the bandana might feel most comfortable; some activities would be hazardous with something on your head that could be caught on someone or some equipment; you may need a sweat band (if allowed) some days. Working in law enforcement needs short hair so perps can't grab you by the hair. If there are times when the uniformed hat is required but it slips on your head, ask if you can wear a bandana underneath to make it fit better.( matching fabric?) or make a sling inside your hat ( a false bottom) of large sheets of sticky backed moleskin so your hat fits tighter. I do that so hats do not slide down over my eyes.

Bandanas are not all alike. The traditional little cotton bandana might be too small to absorb perspiration. They do come larger..look on the internet. Rayon is another good choice..it has a slight roughness to it which keeps a rayon scarf more firmly on your head. Silk is too slippery.

Choosing bandana fabric: Always hold the fabric and see if you can stretch it on the bias...that means it is woven in a way that gives it "give" and it will conform to your head and "move with you" but in a way that means it stays put. Follow what I mean? A non-stretch cotton just feels tight on your head and has no "give". Look in the remnant bins at fabric stores for squares of fabric. Fold into a triangle and you're set.

Look at the edging. Tug between both hands and see if you can give the edge a little stretch. It will be far more comfortable than an edge that is finished off in a way that has no give.....stitching can be variable in size and type and tightness of the stitch. A rolled edge, for example, is pretty but will dig in. Look for flat edges with a relatively loose stitch.

Hope that helps,
Hi Shelby

I totally get where you are coming from and I guess there is no easy answer - it depends on how you feel about being without a wig...

In such a demanding and challenging career as Law Enforcement, I would imagine that you would need to be totally comfortable and confident you could deal with any situation that you faced. The question is - would you feel anxious at all about the possibility of the wig coming off?

AA throws up so many challenges....
Hi Shelby,

Let me begin by asking a question: How do you go about your everyday life now? Do you cover your head or do you go bare?

The answer to that question should be your general guide when it comes not just to pursuing a career in law enforcement, but in ANY career. Do what makes you feel comfortable.

I've mentioned this in several discussions and countless blogs over the years, but what I do when it comes to interviewing is carry what I call an "alopecia essentials kit." My kit contains a letter from my dermatologist explaining what alopecia is with a clear explanation that because of its unpredictability it is sometimes necessary for me to wear hats, scarves, or wigs; a copy of the Americans with Disabilities Act with the section about making reasonable accommodations highlighted; and business cards for my godmother (who works for the EEOC) and my family lawyer. Since I've started carrying my essentials kit, I have not had any problems when the time has come for me to either shave my head or wear a scarf or a hat.

Granted, there have been a couple of places where I have worked where it hasn't been a problem, but the overwhelming majority of employers seem to have a problem with bald women. My essentials kit nips that problem in the bud. I hope this helps you, and good luck in the Police Academy! As the sister of a police officer, I know how grueling it can be!

I know that you posted this a few months ago but I figured I would drop you a line anyway......Do whatever you feel comfortable doing. That goes for anything you do....Only issue with wearing a wig is there is a good chance of it coming off during PT and tactics. Feel free to contact me w/any questions. I'm a former police lieutenant and now a US Marshal.

Hang in there!



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