I'm curious..when did you actually decide enough is enough and shaved it all off...did you do a ceremony? Where did you go to shave it off? I am at that point..but I need to make the event "special"...but at the same time scared as hell...Thanks!

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Hi. I decided to shave it all off at exactly the point shown in the photos on my page: "Night Before I Shaved..."

No ceremony...my husband went to my hairdresser with me. I cried a bit as it covered the floor, but felt SO much better right away. I immediately felt back in control of my life. When we got home after having the hairdresser buzz it off, my husband used a razor to get it smooth. Check out the expression on my face in the photo taken right after. I sent that photo of my newly shaved head out to friends and family that day...that was all the ceremony I had.

But, I wish I HAD done something to make the event more special, and I think it's a great idea. Good luck...I don't think you'll be sorry you did it.

All the best,
For me it was the most liberating feeling!!! When my Alopecia first came on I waited way too long to shave it off, it was much too depressing watching it all fall out bit by bit, it wasn't until I was at least 1/2 bare that i finally did it. When i was in my teens after my "remission" i knew exactly what was happening and once it had started to fall out i automatically grabbed the clippers and took it all off. I was so glad that i didn't wait, I had things to do, people to meet, I wasn't going to let this drag on forever. Best damn thing I ever did for myself. It wasn't a big production, I had myself a little at home "spa" night and took it all off.

You'll know when the time is right and you'll know how and what to do. Everybody is different and there are exact right times for anything. Good luck Joy!

For my daughter and our family to shave her head was a difficult decision and I'm afraid we really only decided when she had 5% of her hair left. It became a bit of a no brainer at that stage for her and us. (She was only 12 years old). It was a great relieve for her and us when the last of the hair was gone. She felt like she had taken back a little of the control.

You will know yourself when it is right for you.

Good luck with your decision.

Hi Joy,
I buzzed my remaining hair just yesterday....hehe....no ceremony, no fuss. I bought some clippers, put some loud music on and buzzed it away. Immediately after I just felt a huge sense of relief.
My hairloss was even worse than I had thought and so it was definitely the right thing to do. My wigs are much more comfortable, my head feels great and I have no regrets.
It took a long time to get here but now I'm just looking forward and feel like a different woman.
Like Rosy said, you'll know when it's the right time.....;-)

you can read my blog post called "I did it" to see how I went about it, I agree with you, I needed a ceremony or something to make it special. I was scared as hell about doing it so what I did was, I work for McDonalds and we just had McHappy Day on May 6 and as part of the fund raising I added that if we reached our target I would shave my head, everyone at work including my customers were aware of it, expecting it, and that way there was no "what is wrong with you" the next day when I came in. Also, as we were unable to arrange it at the restaurant due to food safety issues, I had a bunch of my very closest friends out and my family to have a big barbecue and when everyone was done eating I gathered everyone around and they all got a chance, again all of them knew about it ahead of time and were really excited to help out. We ended up raising $6400 for a womens emergency shelter in my area, an amazing cause and I got my head shaved with all of my good friends around me to support me and tell me how good it looked after I was done, gave me a lot more confidence to go out without covering it afterward and I feel absolutely amazing. I am sure if I had just done it myself I would have been in tears the entire time and never able to get over it. The other thing it did was I had my daughters 2 and 4 years old helping with the clippers (with some assistance of course) and because they got to be a part of it, they absolutely love it, my eldest was having a very hard time dealing with it prior to that so it worked out amazingly well in the end.

I know that you can't necessarily arrange it as a fund raiser but if you do it as a group event, I think, if you are anything like me you will have a much better experience in the end, if you have the people there to support you initially, it makes it easier to deal with later on.

Good luck, keep me informed.
This is so wonderful! You did an amazing thing. I wish I had thought of doing something like that at the time, but coping with the decision was all I could do. Anyone out there who is reaching this point - please consider making it a fund-raiser or group event of some sort.
Thanks Mary, it was an amazing experience for me, highly recommend it.
I decided to shave the rest of my hair of when i lost most of the front on the hair line... as i had long hair i found it very painful as my hair was falling out and since i had it shaved off its not as painful.
But in ways when i had my head shaved i felt happier as i didnt have to worry about how much was going to fall out over the night. And knowing it wasnt going to be so painfull. Even though it was emotionally painful to loose my hair.
Hi Joy,

I shaved my head for the first time after 2 months of AA. It was heading towards AU.
I went to my hairstylist who works with cance victims and alopecians. It was a liberating experience as I felt I was taking control of my alopecia before it took me.

I was scared too but thankfully I had Alopecia World and my first NAAF Conf to bring me acceptance, happieness and joy.



I decided to shave my head last summer actually. (I believe I have some AW blogs on it!) I was holding onto those few strands and patches here and there for so long even though about 95% of my hair was gone anyways, and finally, after talking to people on Alopecia World, I realized that I needed to embrace my own words of inner beauty and strength. When I got my new wig last year from Ms. Peggy Tom, I asked her to shave my head. It was scary but afterwards I felt so empowered. I didn't need to hold onto the past and to the potential that the 95% of the hair I didn't have would grow back. It wasn't that I was giving up, I was moving forward, and it felt so good!
Miss Peggy shaved my head too!!!
Take a look.
It was liberating shaving my head. I contemplated doing it many time and disscused it with my family. One night my older sister and i were hanging out(at this point i only had about 10% of my hair on my head) and i just decided to do it. We just went into the bathroom and got the cliipers out and my sister and i took turns shaving it off.



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