Hi All,

Though I suspect this topic may draw some negative comments, I've read too many posts on this site where people are worried about showing their hair loss or baldness, and felt this post was necessary

Men: the hat cover up, the comb over, the paste down, the hair transplant - you're not fooling anyone but yourselves; people see that you're loosing your hair. Why not accept it, and be proud of it. Michael Jordan did, and look what happened - having a shaved head all of sudden became not only acceptable, but cool.

Women: the wig, short hair, extensions - why not become a Michella Jordan, and be the example for women with thinning or spotty hair loss? When women start seeing that it's OK to be bald and be proud of it, those suffering with the stigma of any type of hair loss will positively embrace it just as the men have done. Yes there may be stares, jeers and even some jokes; that's societies reaction to anything new or different. However, those that prevail will in time be looked upon as the pioneers of the next trend in woman's appearance.

For both sexes - conceal/cover-up and you've given away your power to society. Be Bald and Be Proud and you demonstrate a power and confidence very few people on this planet possess.

I mean no disrespect to anyone, nor do I claim to have the slightest inkling of the emotional pain some of you may be going through. I can however relate to you that I started loosing my hair at 17, did the Hair Club for Men (what a rip off), then finally 'Gave in to the Bald Side'. Trust me when I tell you, it is the most freeing and empowering thing I've ever done.

Looking forward to everyone's feedback.


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Well, I decided that today's "the day" for me. My boyfriend and I just got new bikes and we are planning on a great biking adventure this afternoon! It's supposed to be 93 degrees though and I am dreading sweating and being miserable under my stupid wig. I said to Keith as we were laying in bed talking about it this morning, "I just wish I didn't have to wear the dumb thing!" His answer, "You don't!". I realized that he is right! Who says I have to wear it when it will be nothing but a burden and uncomfortable? I shaved my head extra close in the shower this morning and lathered up my head with SPF 30! I'm ready to go!! :)
I did it! It was wonderful and such a feeling of freedom!!! Since that day I have gone out several more times bike riding, playing frisbee in the park and even swimming at the local public pool! Are there stares? Maybe, but who cares? I don't notice. It's not my problem if someone else has a problem with my being bald!
Congrats on your decision to give 'chrome dome' a try, and more importantly to discover it's not a big deal : )
Please keep us all updated on your continued progress toward hairless freedom

Thanks for this post. I have not had the courage to go in public without a wig. As an introvert, being the center of attention for any reason is difficult. I do get tired of hassling with wigs. There are things I want to do that would be impossible to do without risking losing my wig. Do I have the courage to get in there bald and do it anyway? I'll keep rereading this post :-).

The minute my livelihood does not depend on whether or not I have "hair", the wigs are going to be history!

But in the meantime, I rather enjoy eating, living in doors, and other necessities that have to be paid for.

I also find it very empowering to go out bald. I am also lucky that if people comment they tend to say that it suits me and is striking. I usually wear a bow or something feminine to help my confidence and I have one head tattoo but would like more.
I like having fun with my alopecia and I like the options though so I don't go bald everyday. I like swapping my wigs around daily and I like pretty scarfs too. I cover my head at work as I find it's kids who tend to make the really loud inappropriate comments (if made by an adult, children don't know any better) and working part time at a children's theme park it draws way too much attention and leaves the parents very embarrassed. At work I just want to get on with my job. Most of my colleagues have seen my head though.
Also I'm a bit lazy. I'm AA so still have hair and don't like going out patchy, I have to shave it right down and that takes effort and is tricky at the back hehe. Does anyone go out just with buzzed patchy hair? That's what my head normally looks like and I wish I could just stroll down the street like that.



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