Hi all, I washed a new human hair wig for the first time this week. To my horror it turned into a mass of tangles that could not be combed out. I have washed these types of wigs before without any problems, tepid water gental shampooing and then conditioner and good rinse. But I can hardly describe how this one went it looked like road kill that had been lying in the gutter for months.

I tried combing out but was loosing strands I was mortified , my husband and I just stood and looked at it. A two day old wig costing £1500 looking destroyed, we decided to try and wash again just in tepid water this seemed to improve it so we left it over night on a stand to air dry.

Next day it has improved a lot and is looking OK but is still matted around the base. I have let the supplier know and have arranged to take it back so they can have a look. They say they have never heard of this before and can not offer a explanation .

We are wondering if it's a chemical reaction of some sort but really don't know, has anyone come across this ? I have had AU for over 45 years so wig care has been a big part of my life, this is a new experience however. Will update after meeting with supplier who asked me to return the wig but I have decided to take it back (260 mile round trip) to try and get to bottom of problem. Waiting another four months for a replacement is a downer too.

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Most wig sellers have return policies that basically allow them to get out of replacing or returning hair. Hopefully this will not be the case here.

SO sorry to hear this happened to you, I can say however that more and more of this type of experience will be coming as the demand for human hair replacements goes up. Unfortunately this is an industry where profiteers are proliferating and the quality of hair and manufacturing is going down fast! If your supplier says they have never heard of this they are lying...everyone in this business knows that this is possible with poor quality materials being placed on the market. Too many vendors will market their product as being the best when they know it is not. This is why I dislike online purchasing of HH wigs and pieces, I as a vendor need to be able to rely on the quality of goods I sell and that requires much study to determine who is truthful and who is not.

Good synthetics have many advantages and can look as real as any human hair. There are pro's and con's with each, but overall my vote goes toward synthetic if using a wig, and human if using extensions or other blending products.

Thank you for the information, Chris. Every time I am tempted to buy a human hair wig I read a horror story and opt for a good synthetic or two or three.

Hi Chris

I very much agree with all you have said. Wig manufacturers and vendors/onsellers/salons should absolutely understand about hair and what it means to the end user. I particularly dislike the euphemisms used in the wig industry around hair quality. It is often misleading and confusing for the end user.

When people talk about human hair they automatically feel they are getting the hair that will react like your own biological growing hair. As we both know this is not the case. There are very few manufacturers who deal with 100% unprocessed virgin human hair. As it is a very rare commodity with a price tag to go along with it sadly. You explained so very well the problems with regards to very long hair as well. Freedom Wigs the company I am affiliated with deals with only 100% virgin unprocessed human hair. So, I understand it features and benefits especially with regard to the Freedom Vacuum wig and the attachment method used in this type of wig.

I personally feel that the best hair for any wig is 100% uprocessed virgin human hair. Anything less can have issues. Not to say it does not have a place in the market for those dealing with short term hairloss. But for those who need a wig long term I feel only the best hair has the durability required for long term wear.

Those who use the best hair 100% uvhh in their wigs have to be very skilled and knowledgeable about hair, colour, curl etc. etc. It is a very specialised skill which requires years of training and care.

Just to say you can very much get very good wigs using the best hair 100% uvhh, the cost will be more than wigs made with processed hair but in my experience with Freedom wigs the product has always exceeded my expectaion with my daughter loving the hair she wears.


Hi Maureen,

I have never had this heppen to a wig I've purchased but I work at a hair replacement clinic and one time we had this happen to a client. Normallly our manufactuerer will only warranty something for 30 days from purchase and it had been about 4 months since this client had purchased the hair. She'd never had a problem with it or any of her other hair systems before so I was surprised to hear about the tangling but assumed it was something we'd easily be able to help her with. thinking maybe it wasn't as much tangling as she was describing. But when she brought in the hair system is was a matted mess of hair. We imediately knew this was not normal. We took back the hair and without hesitation replaced the hair sysyem with a brand new one we happened to have available that day for her. We immediately returned the hair to our manufactuerer who we'd never had any issues with before, they agreed it was absolutely not right. They explained very rarely sometimes the cuticle of the hair can be damaged durning the processing of the hair. Eventhough it was beyond their warranty time, due to the "malfunction" of the hair they took it back no questions asked, just as we had from the client. It sounds like your situation is very similar, so the supplier you see should do the same, and send it back to the manufactuerer. It's very rare that something like that happens but it's terrible when it does. I am so sorry you had to go through it. I hope it all get straightened out for you!

OMG, this happened to me last Sunday. I have had my Indian Remy Hair wig since July this year. I have been careful washing it. I havent been happy with the wig of late as I felt it was"boofing up" on the sides. I would have to brush it all the time to keep a straight slick look. It just so happened I went to see the wig salon on the Friday before. She told me to bring it back in and she will steam it and see how it goes from there. I have been saying to myself that I should have a back up with"just in case" of an emergency. Well last Sunday I washed the wig and it matted up all on the top. I freaked and spent hours trying to get the knots out. Let's just say it was a "hot mess" I hit the panic button because I didn't havent a back up wig to go to work the next day. I even had my poor mum try the next day to get knots out.
I went into the wig supplier the next day and she told me she is sending it back to the manufacturer.. In the mean time she has given me a temporary synthetic wig, which the texture is just like my hair. I like this one more that the very very expensive human hair wig. I'm too scared to wash a wig again. So I'm going in to watch her wash the synthetic one.

When you say you had this wig since July last year, do you mean 5 months? If so, this is another example of why we must be very skeptical when purchasing human hair. The manufacturers put silicone on poor quality hair and eventually that washes away leaving hair that tangles.
I also feel some apprehension about your wig supplier as steam only works on synthetic hair, and she must know very well that a manufacturer will not make any adjustment for a wig that old.
I think that everyone that wears human needs at least one back up in case of situations like this.

Hi Chris

Yes, it has been 5 months. Unfortunately where I live there are only 2 wig suppliers that you can walk into. Both have had over 20 years working with wigs. I'll see what my options are in the next week or so. :-)

Good luck, please be careful. Just because someone claims 20 years experience does not mean they will give good advice. The wig industry has been around forever but only recently has there been so much available for sale. A lot is yet unproven and many hair sellers are just out to make money. Use your good critical thinking skills.

I have seven very nice synthetic wigs that I bought on sale (the color/style were being closed out), but I loved both. They cost me what two "average" human hair wigs would have cost. And I follow the directions -- they wash and condition beautifully, and I don't ever go into "panic" mode, because I rotate them. And as Chris said earlier, she votes for synthetics.

Thanks Cindie, it seems I spend all day telling clients about the drawbacks of human hair yet the market still claims it is better than synthetic...I admit that there are also good and bad synthetic wigs, but for my money synthetic has human hair beat UNLESS it is being used as extensions or any other hair that has to blend with bio hair. In that case because of the texture difference and maintenance difference I support the use of human. I do feel however it will not be long before that market dries up and the synthetic market finds ways to overcome the current drawbacks.


I would have to disagree with you on your comment about synthetic wigs, even though they have a very strong presence in the market and suit many people's needs. I also know they struggle on some fronts to meet the needs of those with long term extensive hairloss. While 100% virgin human hair can have it's challenges with regards to availability in blondes and red hair. In most instances it can be sourced and is truly beautiful. My daughter has two blonde wigs using this type of hair and both are gorgeous wigs. As long as there is a human population there will be hair available...unless that dries up I think we should be ok. :) As I've said before there are extreme differences between processed human hair and the hair my daughter has in her hair of choice. To confuse the two types of human hair is when problems begin.




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