So tomorrow I'm getting a visit from CPS. Apparently, the school called CPS on my wife and I for child neglect because my twelve year old daughter has Alopecia. She started losing her hair around January. She's completely hairless now. When we noticed the patches we took her to a dermatologist. He diagnosed her and then gave us some medicine which didn't work. I don't believe there is any form of medicine to treat this type of Alopecia. So the school figured they'd wait until she returned the next year after summer break and if she was still bald they'd contact CPS and file a complaint. We don't treat her any differently. We never ask her to wear her wig or hat when we go out. We try and make her environment as stress free as possible. She's so comfortable now she doesn't even wear a hat or wig at school. Unfortunately she's probably going to get upset when this government employee shows up tomorrow to start asking questions about her condition. So how should I deal with this? Do I allow this CPS employee into my home or just talk outside and how do I deal with the school? Any advice would be great. Thank you.


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I don't have any advice for you but I just wanted to wish you my best wishes and I'm sure everything will turn out great! Good Luck!

DO NOT let them in your house. This is disgusting. Im so angry for you now. Do not let them talk to your child and provide them with doctor notes and NAAF documentation. Then shut the door on them. Also pull your daughter from the school.

that would not help as the next step would be police coming in... the best thing is to be nice,kind and polite to the cps worker. they have no idea what they are working with when they arrive and to be rude would just incite them.

I agree!

In all likelihood the "case" will be dismissed as soon as the CPS worker understands what is going on. SOMETIMES it helps to call the assigned worked, explain what is going on, provide a HIPAA release so the worker can talk to the derm and explain that you are concerned that an actual visit from a CPS worker could complicate your daughter's adjustment. She is showing remarkable resilience and adaptation to the challenges of alopecia.
I also agree with what has been said below that if you are up to it, this is a remarkable opportunity for education and advocacy. Like making lemonade....

There is no way I would give any CPS caseworker access to my child's medical records....if they wanted that access, they would have to get a court order.

Hallo, I agree with Sue and Roberta! I can not even imagine how mad you are.I do not think it is a good idea get a lawyer or something like this, your daughter has to go continue to this school so more stress you make out of it, she has to pay for it ( sadly)! Talk to the people from CPS and to the school! Try to stay positive in this negative situation, think of your child, everything else don't count! And what helped us( a little) get in contact with CAP Children Alopecia Project the have very good info material so you can give it to the school! Good luck !

I am a parent of a 10 yr old girl with AU. This is a simple case of discrimination. Someone in the upper management does not want to see a child bald. They may feel your child is disruptive to the order they maintain. CPS is a free tool, used all the time for such things. They want to scare you away!
Your child has rights under the Americans with Disability Act. I would contact that agency. They can impose fines on the
School Board. Who in turn can fire the staff responsible for blatant abuse of power.
Have you not noticed handy cap children are rarely seen at public schools anymore? They separate them from the main stream kids!
You have nothing to fear, but fear it self. FDR

I've had some bad experiences with this government agency. The school is just CYA and CPS needs to justify their existence, I'd put CPS off for another date. I wouldn't let them into your house and I'd file a complaint with this agency as to their ignorance of our condition. Regarding the meet, meet away from your house as this is a fishing exposition to find something else wrong in their eyes for the above mentioned reasons and get your ducks in a row regarding doctors and aa, contact NAAF for brochures.

You do not have to allow CPS to talk to your child, nor do you have to talk to them or allow them into your home. Your daughter's personal health issues are nobody's business but you, your child, and your doctor. Having been through this experience myself as a child, my advice is to consult an attorney, and if necessary, have an injunction filed to prevent CPS from accessing your child. You will need to take a sworn affidavit from her dermatologist with you, but I would also consider filing a lawsuit for defamation of character and emotional distress against the school board and the school itself, as well as the teacher who actually filed the complaint. You have the constitutional right to know which teacher called the complaint in as well. Some of these laws vary slightly in various states, but the fundamental laws are the same.

It was because of this very issue that my mother got involved in foster care, child advocacy, and the Department of Children's Services here in Tennessee, where we live - and has navigated the child welfare system for over 15 years. We've learned a lot because of this, and I'm happy to pass the information along. But first, get an attorney and have them with you when the CPS worker shows up.

I would also call the local news station and let them know that the school system is harassing you and causing undue emotional trauma to you and your family during what is already a traumatic, stressful time. They just love stories like that - and I bet that if a reporter is at your door as well, CPS will go away very quickly.

I hope this helps. Please keep us posted regarding how things turn out.

YES, You are so right. Unfortunately, it is events like this that gets the public attention!
It needs to stop. My daughter wares a wig to school to avoid the potential for harassment.

I've had some bad experiences with this government agency. The school is just CYA and CPS needs to justify their existence, I'd put CPS off for another date. I wouldn't let them into your house and I'd file a complaint with this agency as to their ignorance of our condition. Regarding the meet, meet away from your house as this is a fishing exposition to find something else wrong in their eyes for the above mentioned reasons and get your ducks in a row regarding doctors and aa, contact NAAF for brochures.



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