I've been experimenting with my human hair lace wig and different conditioners. I've been reading a lot about coconut oil and how it is one of the only oils that can penetrate the hair shaft to repair the hair. I decided to give it a shot because I have a 16 inch long wig and end up using a half bottle of conditioner every time I wash my wig. I stopped by Whole Foods and picked up coconut oil (it's in the spice section). I got the generic 365 brand which ran about $6.99. Coconut oil is solid at room temp so I had to simmer a pot of water. Put the coconut oil in the warm (not boiling hot) water until it liquefies. I started at the end of my wig and poured some oil directly onto the end to completely saturate the tips. Then I worked my way up the wig apply less as I got directly to the top. I applied an excess to the underside of my piece directly under the nape. I find that this section of my hair dries out quicker than the rest likely as the result of the friction from my clothes. Comb the oil through the hair but be advised that the oil will solidify shortly after you put it on the wig making it look and feel like wax. If this happens and you need to comb through it, simply warm the hair with a dryer set on medium heat. Once fully applied, allow the hair to sit for 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Again, you have to use warm water to liquefy the oil. You can then follow with a light shampoo to remove the surface oil or use conditioner. Apparently there is something in conditioner that binds to the oil molecules and rinses clean. Both methods seem to work fine.
The results are AMAZING!
Cool thanks for shareing . I use Wen conditioning cleanser - which does not lather so it takes some getting used to - but does a great job on my human hair wigs. So soft and silky.
Mine wig is around 2 year old and it still looks awesome. i bought from https://shop.wigsbuy.com/
I use coconut oil for cooking and always have some on hand. For my human hair wigs, I have been using Moroccan Oil. I'll have to try the coconut oil. Thanks for the tip!
We find that more than 90% of individuals wearing hair do not realize the importance of light natural oils to keep hair from breaking down over time. So much attention is put into the shampoo and conditioning aspects of wig haircare which is important but equally important is the introduction of the light oils . The light natural oils are a MUST in all hair systems and both Whitney and Leonore's experiences are great examples. Coconut oil, safflower oil , jojoba oil , and argan oil are just a few examples of the oils that work wonders to maintain and enhance the luster in wig hair. The other important factor is to use styling products that contain these natural oils as well so that when you style you get the additional benefit of oil protection and penetration into the hair.
Lenore and Whitney - really glad you are getting your hair back to its natural look and feel !!
I tried the coconut oil the other day as discussed.I'm not sure if I used enough or did it wrong but the hair seems to be worse. Nothing seems to get the tangles and matting out for me at all. Not sure what I'm doing wrong if so many others had luck. Did you shampoo before the treatment as well as after?
Also, I'm wondering where you do this at? Tub or sink? I'm not only worried about my hairpeice but the oil clogging my drains.
Thanks for explaining Whitney! I'll have to try again. I think I used organic coconut oil. I wonder if that would make any difference?
I just tried this treatment after looking up some solutions for my dry, brand new HH wig. I have to say it is a fabulous treatment and only $9 for a large jar!! My wig is again soft and silky. About how often do you find you need to do the coconut oil? Have you had a problem with overshedding if you condition it too much? My wig stylist said that could happen.
I tried this and it didn't help for me. At first the hair felt smooth but after I put it on and wore it for less than a few hours the hair matted all back up. I now have 3 pieces I cannot wear because the hair tangles. I'm so frustrated! That also equals about $1200 down the drain.
Thank you, me too. Let me know if you hear or try anything else.
Thanks Whitney..I'm willing to try anything at this point to save these and not have my money wasted.
Hi Laura,
We always hate to see these problems. If you need assistance please send us a message via our contact us page . You can find NearlyNatural™ listed in the Shop and Save on Alopecia World. There is a very important balance of moisture and natural oils necessary that hair systems must have ! We would be glad to work with you to find a solution to your problems to try and save your systems.
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