So I saw my family doctor yesterday, drove two hours to see her because the campus doctors have been terrible. I thought this dr would at least listen to me explain the entire situation before writing a referral. She listend for like 5min then told me I should see the dermatologist in the clinic to get cortisone shots. But I explained to her that there is more than just the one big patch, there are now many other smaller patches on my head. There could be more, some I haven't discovered yet due to the amount of hair I have still. I explained to her I don't want these shots yet, there are too many patches and my skin on my scalp is disgusting and flaky and itchy and burns when I use ANY shampoo (all of which are full of shit which makes the hair loss worse). I told her my plan to shave my head this week and buy a wig, she advised that I hold off on that until I see the dermatologist because these magical shots will fix everything. It's not like the hair loss has stopped, why would I even bother getting shots now if I still have patches growing and forming and my hair thinning excessively daily? My hair part is slowly widening. It's not just hair loss from patches, it's all over thinning. I am not convinced that getting cortisone shots will help the all over hair loss. I am much more concerned with the state of my skin than the patches for now. I don't want this straw-like hair, I especially don't want to have a patchy regrowth. I cant stand this. I was okay for a while when I had a plan. I would get a wig and shave my head and then be able to treat the scalp better, without the hair making it impossible. And then I would work on treating the hair growth so it would at least grow back at a somewhat even rate. I am so sick of this problem. I am so sick of doctors. I am so fucking sick and tired of hair clumps on my shoulders.

On top of all of this the bloody dermatologist wont be available until sometime in january. All this waiting...I can't take it.

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I haven't lived your story with hair loss but have with lupus/brain tumor. We want the doctors to care about what we are experiencing, but unfortunately this is usually not the case. In the field of hair loss too many doctors still will not take it seriously because you are likely not dying, and because they are limited in what they can do about it. It is really the hardest part, we think doctors are there to help us, but we get a rude awakening when we realize this may not be the case.
I will say that as a professional stylist that deals with people with hair loss, I have seen some amazing benefits to the shots. When they do work, they seem to work very fast. I have one client that had at least 5 spots clean to the skin, and had thinning hair also. She had the shots and in 2 months it was over for her. Not a bald spot on her head, and the hair grew at a fantastic rate! I have seen this with others also.
So, maybe this will be the answer, or maybe not, but it is a first step, and there are many other steps if this does not work. And, if all else fails, you can decide if adding hair is for you or not. many people do very well without it. You can too if you make that decision.

So sorry you are going through this! I would never get shots in my scalp. And my experience with dermatologists...They have nothing to offer. Here is what will happen. They will send you off to the lab for a slew of tests. If you don't have really good insurance, you will not believe the bill. The end result again will go back to the derm for the results. The results may show a low or high level of something. But then what is the option? Shots in your scalp? Hormones? I am not messing with either. And if you do, probably won't grow your hair back anyway. Oh, they will suggest vitamins and biotin. Now, one should take vitamins anyway, but biotin, it doesn't help anything. Just something to waste money on. You will probably walk away with no real diagnosis or cure....Oh, my last visit for something else...Rogaine was recommended. I went online to read the side effects. I also have hypertension, and I am not going to use any product that is going to mess with my blood pressure. That is for certain. And other side effects, not to mention the cost, and that you have to continue to use it twice daily if you have re-growth to keep this regrowth. Who has the time and money to put this on your head twice every damn day?

Thanks for clearing that up for me. Thankfully I have never had to worry about doctor bills. I did see a dermatogist last week. My dr convinced him to extend his day and saw me. Short appointment. He prescribed me a cream to aide regrowth. I don't remember the name at the moment, I'm filling the script sometime next week. He said to use it for three months. My worry is that it'll get worse before better. But I'm tryin to stay positive! I've also had blood tests done and my iron was at the lowest in te normal range so I was told to take iron for a couple months too. I'm taking extra good care of myself so my body can go back to normal. A few friends have tried to convince me that the thinning hasn't been noticeable. I'm happy I had a lot of hair so now it doesn't look too obvious.

It's just going to be a process and I'll need to stay patient. The derm said we will do shots if this cream doesn't work. I have my fingers crossed.
I appreciate it! Have you had experience with clobetasol?

My doctor wants me to try sulfazalazine for my extensive AA. I am very hesitant, but also curious if it might work. Any thoughts or experiences with this drug?

Oh god.... I'm having second thoughts about usin that cream. If rather not treat it at all.

Maybe you should get a scalp biopsy first. The symptoms you are having may show something on the biopsy.

Is that something I can suggest to my dr or do they have to decide if that is necessary. I feel like constantly seeing a dr with new ideas or suspicions is annoying and useless. I don't want to tell then to do their job but at the same time they don't seem I interested in actually exploring the possibilities.
I had a scalp biopsy a few months ago, I am a real baby when it comes to pain and I can promise you that I did not feel a thing. The derm gives you a very quick injection with a painkiller, this is a tiny prick, I didn't realise he had done it, then they do a punch biopsy, then put one stitch in. It is quick, painless and does help to narrow down what is going on with your scalp. You can ask for a biopsy or a referral to any derm in the uk if there is a specialist you want to see. I have asked my GP to refer me to Dr Matthew Harries in Salford, Manchester because he specialises in frontal fibrosing alopecia, which I have, I live down south in Surrey but she agreed to do what I asked. We are the NHS customers so I recommend you ask for what you want, good luck and Merry Christmas.
Sharing is difficult, but once I did it and cried many days. I have to say bald is better than living day to day wondering how much hair was going to come out or who would notice or how I could cover the patches. my dermatologist, the second one I have seen, said the same as the first Rogain for at least a year. The foam for men an maybe I have a 50/50 chance of regrowth. My head is pretty smooth so I think my chances are lower.

It took the doctors six years to recommend me to a dermatologist. When I went they tried the shots and they worked but my Alopecia took over when the shots stopped. There are a couple medications you can try like Rogain and some other stuff. The worst is the tar. You put it on your hea for a certain amount of time and increase the time until you get a rash and the rash distracts your immune system. My skin is so sensitive that it cracked and bled. The treatments can suck and it takes time to see if they work but if you want your hair it can be worth the effort. The shots hurt and I missed work because of them but I'm glad they helped because for a little time I got to see what it would be like if I didn't have Alopecia. In the end you need to make the decision though. It was so obvious that my hair was falling out that a wig didn't seem like an option although family friends offered to pay for them. You need to do what is going to make you happy. The doctors can tell you not to shave your head but it isn't about them. Whatever your choice make sure you are sure it's what you want to do. If you cut your hair you can't go back on your decision. If it is what is going to make you happy though then you have every right to do it.



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