Hi There- After struggling for years to find good quality euro toppers I am thinking about shaving my head and buying a "Gripper 2 Sport Wig from Follea". I was told today at my consult that you can sleep in these wigs. Just wondering if anyone on this site have a Gripper Sport and do they sleep in it?
Thx Sarah

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Hi Alyce,
I would love to hear about your gripper sport. I'm getting mine on the 28th of this month, and have tons of questions about it, how do you like the security of it? I'm wondering too about the differences between the gripper and the vacuum peice? Did you have any problem with it? It would be great to have some tips from someone who is wearing theirs, I think I'm most nervous about the cut color and style I'm getting on the 28th....I won't know how it looks until then, so kinda scary.


I do love mine and most woman once they wear the gripper sport, do not go back to the vacuum. There are some that wear the gripper in the spring and summer and then wear the vacuum in the fall and winter.

It is always scary when you get a new piece. Make sure you have a stylist who you are comfortable going to and knows what kind of piece you have. Your sales rep. should be able to recommend (and call ahead) a stylist for you that has worked on the grippers. Just make sure they take their time!!!

The gripper sport is very secure!! It does feel different than your vacuum, but you can flop your head every which way and it does not come off.

Make sure you get the washing video for your gripper. Also, use a good shampoo. I use Kerastase. (the bright pink bottle)

Let me know if you have any questions once you get your piece.

Alyce, thank you so much! This is my last week before I dive in "head first" lol. I keep going up and down, and should be expected I guess, I'm hearing from all that I should shave what's left, but at my consult she said I did have to if I didn't want to, or could cut really short, I do think I will get the best security and fit if I shave it all, so I think I'm mourning my hair a little bit ;( touching it a lot, and remembering my hair at different times in my life, hope I'm not being too moody with it, I have a synthetic wig and have been wearing it a bit while on our vacation, it's nice cause it's windy down here, and I have very little hair left underneath, and some big spots on upper. I feel pretty aware of this wig, and feel everyone knows it's a wig, I keep obsessing with the color! We ordered a dark somewhat auburn color, and mine is a light golden/redish brown, the salon where I'm getting the gripper from does the cut and color, the gal has been with them for seven years so I'm having some blind faith here, but how would you know? The gal who has been cutting my own hair, has never cut a wig of any kind, so that's not an option, she did say she was confident in my cut and color. All my fingers are crossed and doing lots of praying. Can I ask you how exactly different the gripper feels vs the vacuum? It's great to hear from someone who has one and loves it!

It's normal to feel that way about the hair you have left. No matter how little or how much. Maybe just wait and see how it fits before you shave it all off. You just can't have hair where the silicone is. Otherwise, you won't get the best fit. When choosing a color you should go lighter and have low lights put in your hair. Unless, you have someone who is experienced coloring the gripper.

There is a styling DVD that you can get (no cost) if you would feel more comfortable having your own stylist cut your piece.

The gripper does feel different than a vacuum. They are two different pieces. I really like how I can feel the wind on my head. It is lighter. I think you will really like it.

Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions. You can message me and I will give you my number.

Hi Christine ~ I would love to hear more about yours after you get it and have worn it for a week or two. All wigs have pros and cons I guess, and believe me, even though I have been wearing wigs for many years, it's still hard for me to change to a different style, brand, etc... I have been wearing a vacuum piece (it's a freedom piece) for over 12 years now and I REALLY do love it, but the cost, whew!!! for what I wear now cost $4,000.00. and they, like everything else, has to have repairs and wear out. By the time it's 5 years old, they won't repair them any longer. I will say this, the hair itself is still in good condition, just needs some replacement hair and the silicone base relined (or whatever they call it). and from my personal experience, a vacuum piece will need to be sent in a couple times for repairs during the 5 year period and that usually had cost $400. to $500. each repair. I guess if you divide the cost up over the 5 year period it's not too bad.

Hi Alyce

What is concerning me about your answers in this thread is the comparison between a Freedom Vacuum wig and the Follea Gripper.

They are two very different types of wigs with extremely different features and benefits.

I don't particularly like comparisons because everybody has their own needs around their hairpiece of choice, but if comparisons are to be made I feel it is very important to get all the information out there for people to work through.

I realise you wear both the Freedom Vacuum wig and the Follea Sport and both seem to work well for you. I also understand that Follea or PKS are unable to supply or sell the Freedom Vacuum wig and as a Follea Representative I can imagine you may be feeling between a rock and a hard place as you obviously enjoy both hairpieces.

With this in mind I think it would be appropriate if I listed the differences as I see them, while really only concentrating on the Freedom Features and Benefits. I am obviously an advocate of Freedom as you are an advocate of Follea... and Freedom?? I'm very knowledgeable about how Freedom is made and what the features etc are. I feel when you compare apples and pears you can become very confused. The other thing that is concerning me is the want to compare two very different products, in reality if any hairpiece can not stand up to scrutiny without discussing/ springboarding from another product I would suggest there may be a problem. The first major difference in comparisons being made is that Freedom is 100% customised hairpiece. You are unable to buy a Freedom Hairpiece from the internet - you need to be fully engaged and supported by a Trained Independent Agent. I believe you can buy Follea grippers from the internet as they are not a customised piece and therefore should be a cheaper alternative.

Heat... a very hot topic and one which I feel is individual. The majority of wig wearers do find any hairpiece hotter than no hair or their own biological hair. In the case of Freedom Wig (if you have the latest product rather than the PKS vacuum - which Freedom are able to supply), this issue has been attended to very well. Freedom Wigs are made with 100% medical grade silicone which has the ability to pass water vapour through the cap (and breath), this is a very technologically advanced skin system - that requires a Freedom IA to explain to wearers. So, if you need information about this feel free to contact an Independent Agent. :) Alyce I don't believe you have the latest Freedom Product as Peggy Knight was unable to sell this particular product for reason's I don't feel appropriate to discuss in a public forum. The type of cap you are wearing is older technology and even though many people still enjoy the type of cap you wear, there is an alternative now for clients that have difficult with heat.

Security - with a Freedom hairpiece the process to fit the wearer is as accurate as possible and requires extremely well trained IA' to help their clients to receive a hairpiece that is extremely secure.(Most IA's in the USA use medical laser scanners to achieve the best possible fit) You can live your life in a Freedom hairpiece with never feeling concerned about it coming off when you don't want it too. My daughter has worn this hairpiece to school and there have been instances where people have pulled her hair (ponytail), her hairpiece never moved and she felt very confident in it 100% of the time. I believe if security is important for a wearer you need to feel 100% confident with this... 75% is just scary and in my mind causes worries rather than solves problems. 100% confidence is achievable in a Freedom Hairpiece. Your IA would explain everything that needs to be understood around security and a Freedom hairpiece.

Hair - the type of hair used in a Freedom Hairpiece is 100% UNPROCESSED virgin human hair. This means for the wearer they are able to turn their Freedom hairpiece into their hair. You can lowlight, highlight, colour, style to achieve the hairstyle you require. In my experience with my daughter this type of hair when looked after will last many years. It is the best hair available from the general public of the world. It is strong and long lasting.

Be careful around euphemisms when people explain hair. There are really only two types of hair - processed and unprocessed. Processed hair has a place in the market but it also needs to be explained fully and accurately so the consumer understands what this will mean to them. Often you are unable to colour or highlight processed hair. It becomes dull and lifeless far quicker and does require special care in many instances.

I don't feel I need to go any further with information and I hope that what I have here clarifies the comparisons being made.

Just to reiterate there is no comparison between Freedom wigs and any other product. It stands alone and as I know you understand Alyce works very well for many people around the world including you.

Take care



My post last night said that they are two different pieces.

Both have their advantages.

It is a personal preference.

My point here is only to recommend what I know and what I wear.

It is not to FORCE my opinion on anyone.

I have worn pieces for over 40 years! I do know what is out there. I lost all of my hair at the age of 10.

I am glad your daughter is happy with her piece. I wish it would have been available when I was 10 and the kids would run down the hall and pull my hair piece off.

Hi Alyce

I think your opinion is as valid as mine. I don't think you were trying to push anything on anyone.

My want is to make information available when I feel it is needed. I feel with information people can make decisions around the choices available.

Your last sentence is why I do what I do and I'm sure why you do what you do. I hate that you had that experience and I want to make sure that information is available so nobody else has to experience what you felt.



Rose Marie,
What is concerning me about your answers in this thread is the comparison between a Freedom Vacuum wig and the Follea Gripper; you only want to list the vacuum info without taking into consideration the info that you don’t know about the Follea Gripper.
As a hair stylist working with the Freedom wigs since 1989, I have had some real experience with the vacuum piece. As you stated you know and like the vacuum piece.
Now for the “New Technology” and the difference with the Follea Gripper-2 Cool and Sport: the Gripper-2 is sold at a one on one appointment; they both can be custom made for the client; they are made the most like growth hair, which means it can be put in a high pony tail or in an up-do or French Twist. The hair falls over the head most like growth hair of any hair piece I have worked with since 1965. The hair on the Gripper is 100% European hair, can be permed, colored or high/low lighted. Yes, I have had clients tell me that they swim in their piece. The Gripper has medical grade silicone for gripping the head. Follea has “iCare” centers all over the USA and Canada to care for the Follea client. Yes the Gripper is less expensive than a vacuum and the piece is repairable. Most of the time you can have the piece in your hand in 5 business days unless it is a custom order, then it is about 12 to 14 weeks. Repairs are made in 4 weeks. In over 100 Grippers that I have cut and styled, I only know of one that was sent in for repair and the client told me it was $290 and she had it back in 4 weeks.
As for security, the Gripper lives up to its name. I have been working with the Gripper for 3 years and now with the Gripper Sport for 2 years and have not had one client that has a complaint about security.
I am glad that you are happy with the vacuum piece, but this is the rest of the story,
Carmen West, Hair Stylist, specializing in cutting human hair prosthesis

Carmen can you wear a gripper off your face? I have never really seen a picture of either of these products with them totally off the face. I did see your updo pics and they were wonderful!

Hi Carmen

I understand the Freedom Wig extremely well and my want is to make sure information available is appropriate to help people. I have felt that the comparisons being given are not overly knowledgeable and are rather misleading in their approach. To sell your product of choice why would you discuss a Freedom Wig... I just don't understand why you would do that. There is no comparison. It's so unhelpful and misleading for those who need help with regards to information.

I know you and Alyce as reps for PKS and Follea have not dealt with or worn a Freedom Wig, in fact the wig you wear Alice is a Peggy Knight Vacuum wig which is the older technology. The Freedom wig was never made available to PKS. If you would like to understand why this stance was made I'm happy to pass on that information away from the public forum as I feel it inappropriate here. This technology has only ever been available and always will be to Freedom Independent Agents. This has caused confusion in the market, but I think it timely that your post will help clear the confusion. As Representatives for PKS and Follea both you and Alyce can confirm you always sold a Peggy Knight Vacuum wigs - never Freedom Wigs. Your knowledge is flawed and has no credibility to compare the two as you only have knowledge of one side of the story.

Gee Rose Marie I would really like to know why the Freedom was not made available to Follea - I mean someone has said in this thread that PK took a lot of people for money and now this is mentioned - I want to make sure that who I do business with is ethical.

I did not understand that Carmen was a rep - I thought she simply styled the wigs. Is that not the case? If so, I think if someone is a rep they should say so so the those reading replies understand the bias that may exist.



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