I had a bridge for years following a car accident and six years ago had it replaced with a dental implant. Since then, my hair growth has significantly slowed and my hair is looking thinner and thinner on my scalp. I never thought about the implant leading to any health issues, especially not hair loss.  I have been to at least eight endocrinologists, hair specialist doctors, hormone specialists and alternative medicine doctors in the past six years. My regular doctor looks at my blood work every year and says "you're fine".  What doesn't show on my blood work is the fatigue I have felt for years and the hair loss that is very evident to me but my dr. says is just age.

Every doctor I have been to looks at me and scratches his/her head in bewilderment.  No one can figure out why my hair is not growing. I keep looking for an answer. A few weeks ago, an integrative medicine doctor suggested it could be the implant.  

When I look back at pictures, I look very different before my implant.  Even my eyes look different before and after the implant.  I have felt fatigue since the day I got it.  I looked back at my calendar see that I went to three exercise classes the week before the implant.  I have only been to three classes TOTAL in the six years since the implant.  I attributed it to being in my 40s and having my third child in my late thirties--it was catching up with me--but I honestly think it was the implant and it has robbed me of the past six years of my life!  I am terrified to have it removed as I am not sure what to do next.  

My family doctor put me on thyroid medicine shortly after the implant.  My TSH was borderline.  Again, I never thought about the implant affecting my thyroid. This helped with the fatigue, but the hair loss got worse.  The hair loss is as equally terrifying to me as the fatigue.  I am so afraid I will be bald by the time I am 50.  I used to have very long, thick hair.  My doctor completely dismisses my fears and tells me there is nothing I can do except Rogaine.  HELP!  I am so ready to find an answer.  

One dr. gave me a drug that absorbed the testerone in my system to see if that was the problem---it made me miserable and didn't change anything.  Another one gave me something to balance estrogen--which is what i am still taking (progesterone) but I am only supposed to take it a few days out of the month.  My dermatologist did a scalp biopsy and topical fluconise (????) or something like that and it changed nothing.  One doctor looked at my hair loss pattern and said "it is definitely worse on the right side" so I thought maybe it was my cell phone?????  But that is also where the implant is (upper right).  I feel like a crazy lady!  I have bought over $2,000 worth of supplements over the past few years and nothing seems to work.  I feel like I see improvements every once in awhile and then I will see myself in the sun and notice that I can see my scalp in places!  Even my eyebrows have quit growing! 

Has anyone experienced anything similar?  

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I personally had this problem and I know how bad it is.

Fortunately, I have never had such a problem and I am sorry for those who have to go through such a thing.
Anyway, nothing is perfect and I have other health problems that also bother me enormously.
For some time now I have had sleep apnea that I still can't get rid of.
At the moment I have found a company with super good reviews that promise to treat my problem but I'm still thinking.
Has anyone heard of https://www.heritagedentistree.com/dental-services/sleep-apnea-snor... ? I would like more reviews and opinions to know if it is a reliable company and I can turn to them. I wouldn't want to be sorry later and have some negative consequences, but at the same time, I realize that not everything depends on me.

Wow, Is that even possible. I just got a dental implant from https://perfectasmile.com/dental-implants/. I'm not going to lie, I was afraid, and undesired with the idea of getting a dental implant, but now after reading the message that you've posted, I am even more scared. Furthermore, I am sure that this is not a common side effect. Maybe the dental implant that you used is of poor quality, or maybe your body doesn't want to accept that implant. Just go to a doctor, am I sure that he knows how to help you.

Oh my God, how did this happen I can’t understand. I hope you solved this problem because it sound awful. You should choose wisely your dentist and the dentistry where you want to heal your teeth or make an implant. I went to jeffreygrossdds.com and I didn’t have such problems. I am very grateful to them for the best treatment they offered me. As I am a student, it was hard for me to pay all the costs and they offered me a discount because of it.

It is really weird that you lost your hair after an implant. I think if you would choose a good doctor that would never happen. If that is because you have an allergy at the substances they used when implanting you a new tooth, then they should’ve make some more analysis of your blood. I can say the doctors from https://thehealthysmile.net/dental-services/implant-dentistry-bay-v... would never let such a fail happen. They care a lot about their patients and it is really weird for me this thing you said.

Hair loss, can be a side effect of a dental implant, but I think that in your situation, it turned too aggressively. You are sure that you used good dental services? Because from what I read the situation is quite bad, which is not normal from a simple dental implant. I know this because I also had a dental implant that I've got from https://www.bridgedentalsmiles.co.uk/treatments/dental-implants/. It's been 2 years since the intervention, and till now everything is fine. I advise you to speak with a good dentist, and see what he can do.

Hi! Are you eating well enough? Does your body have enough calcium?

Hi! Similar situations happen, but extremely rarely. Perhaps your orthodontist incorrectly placed a dental implant, and now the nutrients from the food are not well absorbed by your body. Therefore, I can lose my hair. I recommend that you seek advice from smiledoctors.com. I treated my teeth with him, and I didn't have any problems. A couple of years ago, I also had an accident, which caused my jaw to suffer, and I had to go to an orthodontist. But I'm doing great right now.

My hair has been falling out for a year after the implantation of a tooth. Trichologist confirmed poor blood circulation of the head. I put down active in. I'm doing mesotherapy of the head so far 3 times. There are bald patches on the parietal part of the head, so I don't see hair growing there. Sometimes panic begins, and suddenly the hair will not grow back. What do you recommend? I have been to the doctors several times, but no one has been able to help me. The only thing that the specialist https://www.dental-detective.com/homemade-temporary-tooth-filling-a... advised me about home treatment: shampoo for hair loss by hair type. I would like to know some other means.



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