At least that is what my family told the child abuse hotline.

Two years ago my daughter was diagnosed with AA. Since that time at its worst she has experienced 80% hair loss and at its best a few spots here and there.

Today I received notification that a child abuse claim had been made against me and that the state wants verification from my daughter's doctor that this is an actual disease and is not me or my child pulling out the hair along with proof that the desease is difficult if not impossible to treat.

I am angry beyond words... stressed and scared. Why would someone do this? We don't deserve this.

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I feel the same way Dorothy, In this world of access to knowledge at the tap of a finger and theses people never looked up anything. And the case worker never checked this is horrific. Let's all make sure we make our selves seen next weekend. Let's make the effort in a small way to help this situation. Maybe we should pin pictures on Pintrest and show the world how beautiful we are! International Alopecia day is Aug 4th !! I will meet anyone in the Melbourne Fla area!

So sorry that you and your daughter are going through this. NAAF should definitely step up and get involved.

I don't suppose there's any way to find out who made the complaint? Do you have any idea?

Hang in there and please keep us posted.

This just shows the ignorance that people show... simply because they are unaware. i must be an extremely abusive parent. One of my twins has au with 100% loss. his twin brother has just began showing signs of the same condition.... but at a much slower rate..only about 20%. so i guess i abuse one more than the other lol. don't be worried about anything. this is what it is and there is medical proof behind it. although i think it is absolutely insane that you have to go through it....... it is what it is!!
Wow I'm so sorry I don't have kids but Im sure that its hard enough to look at you beautiful child that has to go threw this and feeling helpless but to be blamed for it has got to be even more frustrating.

Hi, I'm so outraged about this accusation against you! I'm so sorry you're going through this! To think there are such ignorant people in this world who would accuse a mother of such a thing. I know it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to a child's safety but I wish people would use their common sense and do a little research prior to making such accusations! People really do need to be educated on this disease! I've had AA for 14 years and so does my daughter. My daughter got this disease last year at the age of 26. I can't imagine her going through this as a young child! This disease definitely takes a lot of courage to deal with! You're courage will get you through this! Please contact me if you need assistance and I agree with the others, I'm sure the NAAF will gladly assist you too! Hugs Di

I am so sorry you are going through this. I will pray for you.
This is one of those moments in life when you need your family's support uIf most. It's understandable if they may not know what to do or say and remain silent or unsupportive, but to add to the emotional burden in that manner has to be very frustrating. I agree that you have nothing legal to be concerned with because of the medical proof, but the additional stress surely doesn't help. Hopefully, for you both, this will be a positive opportunity to shed some light and ignorance for others. Best wishes to you and your little girl.
My stomach dropped when I read your post. How could someone especially family do something this crazy all because they lack understanding of this type of hairloss. This is battle that you will win. God has your back and I will be praying for you and your little girl.

That is terrible. What an idiotic waste of community resources all caused by someone's ignorance. What or who is the organization to whom this complaint was made? I can excuse an uninformed individual for stupidity (although asking you about your child might have been better choice) BUT social service org should have trained staff persons who could have stopped this ridiculous complaint from going so far. If it was me, heads would be rolling at whatever agency actually allowed this complaint to turn into investigation.

I really do understand where you are coming from , I live in a very small town and when the word got around that my hair was falling out someone called social services on me, I really dont understand how alopecia can be turned into child abuse, losing my hair has been one of the hardest things i have ever been through and someone maybe causing you to have your children taken away is the worst. people should try to understand before they try and ruin lives. It will be ok i am sure but it is such a scary thing I know I am so sorry for you and am believing that things will work out fine for you

Stay encouraged. You have not abused your child. Is there a way to give them information about alopecia. You can also have your physician work with the organization logging the claim or have your physician contact the dept. of family services in your area.

We will back you up. Your family needs to learn more about this disease. Does anyone know of flyers that can be shared with the public about alopecia?

We will support you.

I hope I am not breaking any rules by including this information.

Here are some resources you can share with your family. I'm not sure of your child's age.



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