Stacey and Sabree
  • Female
  • United States
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  • Laura
  • Mya & Christine
  • Pradha
  • Sheryl Miller
  • Susan - Jon's Mum
  • Tracy and Amanda
  • Galvin
  • Jennifer
  • Cindy
  • Lee
  • Roger

Stacey and Sabree's Discussions

Hair loss equals child abuse

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mary Sep 22, 2013. 68 Replies

At least that is what my family told the child abuse hotline. Two years ago my daughter was diagnosed with AA. Since that time at its worst she has experienced 80% hair loss and at its best a few…Continue

Fine Line

Started this discussion. Last reply by Marte Carlson May 7, 2010. 13 Replies

My daughter is two and half and has several large spots on the top of her head and on the left side of her head. I make her wear hats when we are outside to protect her head, but I feel like I am…Continue

Says her hair hurts

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joy Apr 13, 2010. 7 Replies

My two and half year old keeps telling me that her hair hurts. I know that it is not uncommon for the scalp to hurt or tingle before the hair falls out. I also have heard that headaches are not…Continue

What Does it Look Like?

Started Feb 21, 2010 0 Replies

What does the hair that falls out look like? Everytime I brush my two-year old's hair, the hair I find has no root. Is this normal for Alopecia? In fact every hair I find has no root.Continue

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Stacey and Sabree's Page

Profile Information

Relationship Status:
About Me:
My two-year old daughter has been diagnosed with AA.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 11:21am on September 19, 2011, Sarah Eisenhardt said…
At 8:42pm on April 14, 2010, Heather L said…
Hey Stacey,

LOVE the new profile photo!! Your daughter is so adorable & and looks so happy!

At 3:20pm on April 12, 2010, Jennifer said…
Hi Stacy. I was just reading some of your stuff! I've had alopecia since i was 5 and have always dealt with it really well. If you ever want to talk about anything, I'll be here! :) your daughter is adorable!
At 11:11pm on April 2, 2010, Marte Carlson said…
Your daughter is adorable!!! My little girl was diagnosed at 2yrs old also. Its weird cause I have seen a lot of the magic #2 yrs old....hhhmmm???
At 11:26am on February 28, 2010, Roger said…

At 7:20pm on February 22, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome!
How are you and Sabree doing today?
At 7:18am on February 22, 2010, Cindy said…
Hi Sabree, your daughter is beautiful no matter what. I am sorry that your daughter has had her ups and downs this short time she has been in the world. I hope thinks look up soon. You sounds like a wonderful mom and you will get through this. You should contact CAP and get on their email list. They are a wonderful resource and maybe able to hook you up with a family in your area or even help you meet another familiy with a child of a similar age. They do monthly online chats as well...Cindy
At 1:42am on February 22, 2010, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Sabree is gorgeous btw.
I can understand the shock you felt. I think we all go through that. And the 'Why did it have to happen to our child?' I found that other people had no idea how I felt or how my son Jon felt. It is good if you can move on and just deal with it though - if you can. I know it is hard. I think that the younger they are it is harder too cos they are so so cute. Their hair is still fine and soft at that age too. But you know what - she will always be beautiful - especially to you her mom. If you can make her see that, and that she is unique and special and gorgeous with or without hair and that she can still do things she wants to do, like play sport or dance or whatever. If you get what I mean.
Also I read your discussion. Jon's hair when it fell out was like that. The doctor who diagnosed him with AA said that it had the telltale 'question mark' appearance. Just as if it was 'burnt off'.
Any thing I can help with pls let me know. Hope we can keep in touch.
At 6:20am on February 21, 2010, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Hi Sabree's Mom
Welcome to Alopecia World
Glad you have joined us here. I have a 13 year old son with Alopecia.
How are you coping?
At 2:24pm on February 20, 2010, Cindy said…
Hi Sabree's mom!
Welcome to AW. I am also a mom to a daughter with Alopecia. How are you doing?


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