Hi everyone new here.
cant find anyone similar to me with same symptoms.
For 18 months my hair has been shedding like crazy.
as its gone on the actual strand has got thinner and thinner that comes out .
looks like very thin cobweb hair.
It used to block the plughole ....... Now it goes straight down!
I have no bald patches just difuse hair loss all over.
The hair that is still there is very delicate and thin also like baby hair feels like cotton wool.
almost like all the roots are gradually dying.
How can hair thats still there get finer and finer , I mean as in each strand ?
Ive had biopsies done awaiting results .....derm thinks maybe alopecia areata diffuse.
Does this cause strand thinning .
you cant see my scalp as yet just this sort of death of my hair !!
knots up like dollies hair when washing .....sheds loads washing .
Got great anxiety and depression over this.....anyone experienced saame thing?
could it be female pattern hair loss ....does that cause strand thinning.
Doesnt feel like my hsir anymore !
Any comments help appreciated any tips to strengthen etc.
Thank you
Hi KittyKat,
Have you checked your Ferritin level?
Hi Nat,
Thanks for your reply.
yes has all bloods done including ferritin.
I have lots of illnesses including underactive thyroid and coeliac .
Both were checked no antibodies risen so coeliac fine.
Thyroid was little bit over medicated and T4 high but meds been reduced and its taken while to come down ....other than that all bloods ok .
maybe its another auto immune .
Thanks again
Sounds very much like me. I've been dealing with Alopecia for 5 years. Normally I have very thick hair, when alopecia hit, it is much thinner. Like you I went to the doctor and had every lab test known to science, all came back normal. I'm also athletic, work out daily, and in good health otherwise, so it was quite a shock. When a hair falls out because of alopecia it grows back in thin, opaque, almost grey then after a month or so turns to my natural color and thickens. I have noticed my hair fells so dry now, like you said its drying.
Normal Hair follicles have 3 stages (growing, shedding, dormant). Its thought that Alopecia triggers the shedding phase in large areas usually circles of bald spots about the size of a quarter.
Most DIY treatments are snake oil. Diet, Acai berry, gut health, fasting, vitamins, minerals, vegan, atkins diet, hormone replacement, high replacement and even Stem Cell replacement therapy. Stem cell replacement shows great promise but no major study has been done to confirm its effectiveness. Maybe some of these will help but treatments backed by science are best.
For me the most effective treatment, consistently has been steroid shots in my scalp. Not pleasant but better then no hair. I was on an immune suppression therapy which worked beautifully for 2 years, then Alopecia decided to show me who's in charge and just stopped working. Pills were huge and really upset my stomach so I'm glad to stop them. Not to mention a lot of potential horrible side effects like liver damage. About to start on Xeljaz next, a much safer alternative.
See a good dermatologist he will be invaluable in helping you through this. I read the latest treatments run it by him and he gives me an honest answer...even if it is snake oil.
Hi!! That's very strange that it's going so fast!
Maybe it's because of stress? Don't you think that it will be reasonable to try some meds to relieve stress maybe it will help https://purekana.com/products/mint-cbd-oil-40-servings/
Please.. if you have such problems don't look for the answer on forum and stuff!
Get a good health insurance quote www.americaninsurance.com this is the only thing that can help.
With it you can just visit a clinic and it will pay for you if your health spoils and the situation gets worse. Please don't try to treat yourself at home..
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