I know this is a HOT EXPLOSIVE TOPIC. I just want to get a sense of where fellow Alopecians feel about these proposals.
I am for it. I'm in the process of reading the 1000+pages. I know I want change. I am tired having a man who makes 700million a year for "managing" a health insurance company and other multimillionaires decide that I cannot have health insurance because I have a pre-condition! And paying the bill for the antireform ranters and ravers in the media and at the Town Hall.
If anyone is interested checkout the Bill Moyers interview with Wendell Potter about how he and others in the health care industry have twisted and manipulated information to influence the American public turn against health care reform.
Then, checkout a group called "The Family". Read how this group is attempting to overthrow the country in the name of "Christ". Amazingly Shocking!
Okay, I hope there can be a Peaceful non-name calling and a non-threatening discussion.

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Karen, is not "antireform ranters and ravers" name-calling? ;-)
Oops! I apologize. The backers and followers of Freedom Works.com and its subsideries, Consumer Energy Alliance, The C Street group, The Family, law firms, insurance and drug companies are behind the print and in media ads and talk shows speaking about nazi-ism, socialization of the healthcare, scaring the elderly and the disabled about "living wills" and the such.
These are the people I am furious about. They are heating up such hatred. I have done alot of reading of the beginnings of WWII and it looks and sounds like a page out of the Nazi movement book. Make the general population crazed over hot topics and then pick out a person, people, a group or an organization to scapegoat then launch an attach.
At this point in time there are only proposals on the table. Nothing has been decided upon yet. There should be debates speaking point to point on what has been proposed. So far at the meetings I have been to there are people planted around in the audience who ask a question of the Representative and then as soon as the Representative attempts to give their response the hecklers of the antireform group begin the shouting down tactics. The audience are people who came to listen, are elderly
and are not prepared for these people.
That was the nazi propoganda theme: "tell an outrageous lie and tell it often enough and eventually people will accept it for the truth". Consider also that Germany was in a state of political and economic turmoil (sound familiar) making the conditions for takeover ripe.

I have long recommended that folks read "Critical Condition". It tells of the same sort of problems that the film "Sicko" does (produced in my building) but unlike "Sicko" it details a very sensible solution.
Karen, how do you think alopecians in particular would benefit from President Obama's health care reforms?
Biggest benefit is you wont be denied because of "preexisting condition". I had this bad experience with my previous health insurance company (insurance was through my employer). So I couldnt get any treatment during that time. Now I have a new job and better insurance. I am told that pre-existing conditions are covered. I am soon to see a dermatologist to start my treatment again. Lets see how it goes.
For starters,those alopecians without coverage would be able to go and get treatment. There has been a bill in D.C. for a long while that would cover wigs for alopecians through medicaid or medicare (forget which one.)
random i know but wasnt "the family" the name of the group that charles manson brainwashed to do all those murders?

and for me, from personal experience, it doesnt matter IF you have health insurance, because the companies can STILL refuse to cover things. Until someone makes the insurance companies honor their promises, there will still be people left destitute.

case in point: my first bout with cancer? my health insurance wouldnt cover my surgery to remove the cancerous tissue - why? it was only PHASE ONE. they wanted me to wait til PHASE TWO for them to pay for it. how stupid is that?

and the second relapse, they refused to pay because it was a "preexisting condition" even though it wasnt, they just refused to pay the FIRST time.

something that SHOULD have cost me $100 co-pay, ended up costing me $5000 out of pocket for the surgery. why am i paying these people when they dont cover ANYTHING!? not my meds, not my surgeries, and certainly not even my prosthesis.

i hate health insurance companies. they are all money grubbing bastards. and honestly looking at the health reform bill, none of that is addressed. its just used to make socialized healthcare, but doesnt address who gets to "choose" what your treatments are and who pays for it if its not deemed necessary by the board.

thats the REAL problem with healthcare. okay off my soapbox.
Stay ON your soapbox. I don't know how some people can live with themselves working for a health insurance company. The person that told you to wait until phase two must not have a soul or a conscience.

Fact: the same man who created the actuarial statistics for health care costs is the same man who devised the formula to determine body counts in Viet Nam.

I'm new to this forum, but, I would love to put my two cents in.

For the record, I am for reform. Why, because everyone should have health insurance and we should have a choice. I have a choice on where I buy a car, groceries, clothes, books, why not health insurance? I have a choice on what car insurance I choose, which bank to put my money in, which credit card company to go with. Why not health insurance?

I don't mind if a multi-millionaire chooses to manage health insurance. What I mind is who is keeping this person honest? And, if there is no choice, they don't have to be honest, they can form a monopoly as they have done in todays world and we have millions of un-insured. Thats what Im tired of.

I have health insurance, but, because of pre-existing conditions, mostly because of my husbands diabetes and we are both in our 50's, the rates are absurd. We are paying $18,000.00 per year and thats not a lie or exaggeration. And we don 't know for how much longer we can shell out that kind of money. We are already cutting into our retirement, we are both in our 50's. But, even with paying these crazy amounts, we're still getting the run-a-round. Example, something that is going on right now: My husbands diabetes requires 5 vials of insulin a month to keep it under control, per his doctor. Blue Cross, on the other hand (the only insurance company in Texas that we could afford to go to for pre-existing) , says, sorry, even though you are paying for the insurance, we will only pay for 4 vials of insulin, you're going to have to shell out an additional $100.00 per month for your insulin. Now we are going to have to pay more money?

I don't know about everyone else, but, I want to be able to choose from a variety of companies, including a public option. I don't quite understand peoples reluctance towards public anything. We have a great system in this country and we use a lot of "public" or as some people call them "socialistic" systems. We have public schools, public works, public police and fire, public libraries, to name a few and they work together with the private options, very well. I am of a mindset, please, give me as many options as you can. But, I'm open, if others don't want the option, that's fine with me, but, please, don't take away my opportunity for choice.

Insofar as my alopecia or many other kinds of hair loss disease. Remember, I only have one option for health insurance and they don't feel wigs are a necessary item to cover for my alopecia. They don't even want to discuss it. I can bet you, if there was competition for my $18,000 per year health insurance policy, insurance companies would start making allowances for wigs.

Thanks much

I have excellent medical/vision/dental insurance through my employer, and have for the last 20 years, but that doesn't mean that situation couldn't change tomorrow!

I am not one of those "selfish" or "narcisstic" people who believe that if I have it, then everyone else ought to find a way to get it.....

And I don't begrudge ANYONE.....(no matter what race, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, etc., etc.), access to health care! And those "Christians" who do make my flesh crawl....................
Total reform. Period.

Let me first start by saying that I discovered I was gluten intolerant this year. But, I have not confirmed it through the traditional method of doing an intestinal biopsy. If I did that and it was etched in stone onto my medical record....there would indeed be severe problems down the road with health coverage.

Next, I have been working with a naturopath. She helped me where others have failed. We confirmed the gluten intolerance, the dairy allergy, the anemia, the hashimoto's thyroid and have worked to get me to feel better and actually be more of a human being!! 2009 has cost me a lot because health insurance will only cover so many acupuncture treatments.....and no, they don't cover vitamins or even the heme iron I take for the anemia.

Lastly, and this is weird, but I also see a dermatologist. All of my treatments have been covered 100%. Kenalog injections, squaric acid.....covered. Even the $10 copay has been waved. So, what's up with that? While I am happy that all these services & copay are covered, why....? This makes me nervous.
American people should have the health care like the rest of the world. This is only thing I can say.
If they say it would be like in Canada or Europe, great!
If not, I am affraid that the american people will be double crossed again.



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