Did anyone see this show last night? A quote from Julia Louis Dreyfus' character (the Vice President of the US) "The kids had alopecia and the mothers were on crack. It was a freakshow!"

We need to write HBO to tell them that alopecia has NOTHING to do with substance abuse and that we are not "freak shows".


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Reply by Liz Bradley yesterday

*high five* People really need to learn to spell before they start trying to debate the issues.

Does the above sound familiar? Either you have a short memory or you just like to argue. Yes EVERY post I make - meaning like 2 out of the total I have written.

You also seem to like to speak as if you know it ALL. You know exactly who watches what tv show and that actors never have a say in what they speak - if given a part - they are just there to say EXACLTY what the author wrote - (such BS)

You do not have AA - yet on a hair loss support site you feel you need to defend Hollywood writers who joke about AA rather than to defend children who were made fun of.

I do not plan on answering you again.

In case you have not noticed the majority of people who responded to THIS blog on THIS site are thankful the writer posted it and agree with her.

Bravo for bringing this to everyones attention Kathy. I caught the episode this evening & was so appauled by the line. Making fun of children with aplopecia is not funny. These writers need a swift kick in the ass. I agree HBO & especially VEEP owe every child with alopecia & their Mom's a huge apology. I have no problem giving HBO & VEEP a piece of my mind. I get very upset when it comes to children,


Je trouve cette situation inadmissible, présenter une émission télé sans connaître la maladie en elle même c'est un manque de respect pour les malades et surtout une incompétence professionnelle des journalistes ! Courage à tous...

Not sure what "VEEP" is but it sounds like a bad show!!!!

It's actually pretty funny, well-written and has a very talented cast. And I don't even like politics!

In the UK, we don't get the programme but I'm appalled by this statement. Give me an address to write to and I'll try to start a campaign over here.

Throw away comments like that from an authoritative figure can really damage society's perception of Alopecia and Alopecians. She obviously has never experienced or been touched by the condition and its psychological consequences. May she be pitied for her ignorance!

Well said and perfectly phrased.

wow... completely uncalled for. i was a child with alopecia. diagnosed at 8 years old and have had it for 11.5 years now. I've been bullied, ridiculed and tormented by not only children but adults too and it's mortifying. i do find this quote quite offensive. and if I was still that 8 year old sitting at home watching this "VEEP" show on tv with my family, I would have cryed myself to sleep that night. Ignorance is never ok. I've had an incredibly long day so I'll be off to bed now but I will for sure be writing them first thing in the morning.

No 8 year old has ever watched Veep. Don't worry about that.

Wow now you even know the entire viewing audience of a tv show - impressive - really it is. We should all be blessed with such knowledge. I am sure Essence can now breath a sigh of relief since you shared your insider information.

SO glad no 8 year olds were harmed in the script writing and filming of this episode. i wrote them anyway.

LOL. i just have to laugh at people's commentary sometimes. good response, i agree. no way to know who's watching. 8 year olds watch a plethora of things people never thought they would now a days. so thank you (:



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