After being inspired by so many people's bravery and acceptance on this site I finally plucked up the courage to share a little of my experience of alopecia and add some photos. What has really helped me this year is the research that alopecia is genetically similar to rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. It takes the stress off being told alopecia is caused by stress if that makes sense. It's a weight off my mind and a cure for the self-blame I have lived with for years. I feel happy and liberated that I have now exposed myself for who I really am and that I am not hiding anymore. Right now it feels good and I know I am climbing the ladder to more self acceptance. Reading things on this site and having contacts and understanding has really helped me take this big step. So I am grateful to be a part of this worldwide network of support. Thank you!

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Good for you Lorna! I am still trying to work up the nerve to out myself on Facebook. I bet it feels like a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You go girl!
Yeah, I have no regrets doing it! Took me about 2/3 months of considering it though. You'll know whether you want to do it when the time is right! Lx
Well I missed out the middle stage and just went for the full on bald look. I think it was an important step for me but you'll know if and when you want to do that. I never would have dreamed about 6 months ago I would have the courage to do this.Maybe it's a case of feel the fear and do it anyway. People have responded postively. It's just a relief to feel I'm not hiding anymore. Although the postive comments have really been great I guess I mainly just feel proud I have done it as a sign to myself of a growing self acceptance. Lx
I outed myself on FB as soon as I had to shave my head back in February. People have been amazingly supportive the whole time. Only one person wasn't and she was unfriended immediately since I won't stand for ignorance. :) I think that's awesome you did it, and I bet you do feel a weight lifted off. It's freeing to be who we are, hair or not, because everyone has that right! :)
Wow - was someone actually openly negative to you! Yeah, definately wasn't a real friend then. You are totally right it is so freeing to just be who we are. I can't believe how relieved I feel. I hope you continue to have really postive attitudes for people. Lx
Congratulations, I can't wait until I get the courage to do the same.
Well it took me from being 8 when I first got alopecia to now and I'm 35. So i've had a lot of time to work on the courage. It's this site though that gave me that confidence to go for it, as there are so many inspiring people. Sending you some courage and you'll know when and if you want to do it. Is has to be right for you. Lx
I haven't gotten the courage to do that yet, but I'm sure I will soon. Everytime I log into FB I consider it but I always end up backing out =( I feel like I'm living a double life sometimes because none of my FB friends have a clue, with the exception of a few family members. I am so happy for u and I know it must of felt great!
It did feel great Kelly and I still almost can't believe I did it. I feel so much more free. My family knew of course and some friends but it is hard to open it up to the wider FB circle. Don't pressure yourself to do it before you are ready. One day you'll just not back out and you'll do it. It's taken me a long time to get to this place and there's no rush. Lx
I have a fantasy about outing myself and requesting hair donations and finally getting a really nice human hair wig made. Only my very close circle knows and Facebook has BIG circles. I recently posted my first wig photo since really shedding enough to wear wigs and one of my friends that knows immediately called me and said I didn't look like a Grandma because I wasn't wrinkled. What? I'm not really sure what she means unless she is thinking only Grandmas wear wigs. That's the only thing I can figure. I mean I wear several different wigs a day every day so it is very obvious to locals that I am a wig wearer, but those folks I went to high school with or the people from the PTA or my ex-husband...they don't know yet. You're so cool to do it!
Hair donations - what a fab idea!! You probably would get lots and get your human hair wig... Great you have posted a wig photo and wear different ones through the day. I tend to stick with the same style for a few months and then change but it sounds more fun to play around with different looks. Maybe I need to get braver with that idea. There are always people that aren't going to know. My work colleagues don't know but I assume they must've figured it out by now.... I've never brought it up to them because there hasn't seemed a need. Maybe one day. Thanks for your comments! Lx
It's really working for me. It has to some degree relegated them in the same category as scarves or shoes or barrettes. I mean, I have some I only garden in and others I won't wear with pink and two that are great to swim in, etc. And it is funny to watch people's reactions like the guy at the post office. If I come in four days a week, every single day I'll be wearing a different one, yet he clearly knows it's me. I also think, honestly, it's a great strategy because it shows a certain degree of playfulness. Playfulness for me indicates that it is NOT the only part of me and I am not taking it SO seriously. People kind of follow your lead if you know what I mean. Nice to meet you. I'm telling you, wouldn't your friends donate hair for you? I bet mine really would. :0)



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